About Me
As a backend developer, I specialize in the development and maintenance of the server-side components of web applications. This includes working on APIs, database design and optimization, and the implementation of security measures to protect sensitive data.
I have a solid foundation in server-side programming languages such as Go, Python and Node.js, and I have a deep understanding of databases, including both relational and NoSQL databases. I have experience in developing RESTful APIs and have a hand on working with distributed systems.
I also have strong problem-solving skills . I am able to work independently as well as in a team environment, and I am always looking to expand my knowledge and improve my skills. I take pride in delivering high-quality, scalable, and maintainable software solutions that meet the needs of clients and users.
Some of stacks and technologies that i have engaged with includes Websocket , Kafka Streaming , Pub Sub Architecture , Message Queueing and many more .
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Recent Activity
Feb 15 2023
Feb 1 2023