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Julian Yaman's photo

Developer of Wikipedia Discord Bot & - Computer Science Student

8 Followers5 Following
Member Since May, 2021

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Julian Yaman

Julian Yaman

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About Me

Hello, my name is Julian. I'm an 20 years-old computer science student developing Discord bots and Web applications.

Currently, I mainly work on two projects.

  • Wikipedia Discord Bot: The Wikipedia Discord Bot is a Discord chatbot, used on over 6000 servers by over 1.3m users. It allows fast and quick access to the greatest encyclopedia of the world.

  • tooldb: tooldb is a community-driven collection of tools for developers to improve their application / project. Many of us know, that there are so many good frameworks, which could really help us in developing our project. tooldb's goal is to collect as many tools as possible, also allowing the community to submit their tool(s) of choice.

My Tech Stack

Next.jsbackend as a servicesupabase

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Recent Activity

Aug 1 2021

Wrote an article