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About Me
I specialise in building web apps and hybird mobile apps.
✅ Made over 20 mobile apps: Android, iOS, Windows Phone and Hybrid ✅ Built and managed 3 large scale SaaS products. ✅ Helped 5 service businesses scale up and boost profits by building custom software (ERP, CRM, etc) ✅ Got over 1 million downloads in app stores with an average rating of 4.5/5.0 from 30,000 reviews worldwide. ✅ Consistently maintained the top rank in educational apps in WP app store for an entire year. ✅ Awarded certificate for being a distinguished member of Microsoft App Builders Club in 2014. ✅ Received a scholarship from Google and Tata Trust for doing Nanodegree in Android Development. ✅ Selected among the top 50 students in Udacity Nanodegree to attend the Android Developer Summit (2016) at Google office in Bangalore.
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Mar 3 2024