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Sosring 's photo

Crafting engaging websites with the latest technologies and design trends, fueled by jazz music and coffee.

1 Following
Member Since May, 2023

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Sosring Langthasa's blog

Sosring Langthasa's blog

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About Me

Hi, I'm Sosring, a self-taught full-stack developer with a passion for creating engaging websites. I love experimenting with the latest technologies and design trends to craft beautiful and intuitive user interfaces.

When I'm not coding, I'm either listening to jazz music, sketching, or enjoying a good cup of coffee. With a dedication to collaboration and attention to detail, I'm committed to exceeding my clients' expectations. Let's work together to create something amazing!

My Tech Stack

nuxt3Node.jsExpress.jsMongoDBTailwind CSSscssVuetify

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Recent Activity

May 8 2023

Wrote an article