About Me
Hanif Olayiwola is a GenZ who writes web and technical content, teaches GenZs how to code (Web Development and Scratch), manages Web3 programs, loves speaking to people and communities, is learning product management, and loves good food.
He is a lifelong learner who you'd find working at the intersection of Writing, Web3, Tech Education, Product, Programs, and Business Management, and Social Media with great interests in Edutech, AI, and emerging technologies.
On some days, you'll find Hanif writing articles; on others, he could be in multiple meetings, managing events and people, and making the internet a better place. On less hectic days, you could find him playing BBRacing2 or Tacticool.
Hanif is currently an active community member and ambassador for Genztechies, the largest community for GenZs in tech in Africa and he's also an ambassador for Streamlit. This free and open-source software allows you to build and share beautiful web apps for machine learning and data science in minutes.
Feel free to engage Hanif in conversations surrounding Tech, Software Development, GenZ, Web3, Writing, Growth, EduTech, Tech Events, Communities, Volunteering, Public Speaking, Product Management, Tech Careers, etc.
The best way to reach Hanif is through a phone call or meeting up with him at a tech event in Lagos.
Here's his best Quote from an unknown wise source: "You're born weak, you'll die weak, but what you are in between is up to you"
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Recent Activity
Aug 25 2024
Jan 14 2024
Nov 28 2023