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28 Followers2 Following
Member Since Aug, 2024

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Thirdy Gayares

Thirdy Gayares

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About Me

I am a dedicated and skilled Software Engineer specializing in mobile app development, backend systems, and creating secure APIs. With extensive experience in both SQL and NoSQL databases, I have a proven track record of delivering robust and scalable solutions.

Key Expertise:

Mobile App Development: I make high-quality apps for Android and iOS, ensuring they are easy to use and work well.

Backend Development: Skilled in designing and implementing backend systems using various frameworks and languages to support web and mobile applications.

Secure API Creation: Expertise in creating secure APIs, ensuring data integrity and protection across platforms.

Database Management: Experienced with SQL databases such as MySQL, and NoSQL databases like Firebase, managing data effectively and efficiently.

Technical Skills: Programming Languages: Java, Dart, Python, JavaScript, Kotlin, PHP

Frameworks: Angular, CodeIgniter, Flutter, Flask, Django

Database Systems: MySQL, Firebase

Cloud Platforms: AWS, Google Cloud Console

I love learning new things and taking on new challenges. I am always eager to work on projects that make a difference.

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I am available for development and mentoring

Recent Activity

Sep 26

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Wrote an article
Wrote an article
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Sep 24

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Wrote an article
Wrote an article