RedwoodJS Blog - How RedwoodJS adopted Hashnode for community blogging.
RedwoodJS is a full-stack web application framework designed for modern JavaScript and TypeScript development, created by Tom Preston-Werner, Peter Pistorius, Rob Cameron, and David Price. It offers an opinionated setup to streamline building and deploying robust applications, integrating seamlessly with GraphQL and Prisma for a cohesive, end-to-end development experience.
The Need for a Headless CMS
RedwoodJS is a community project. The team wanted to make it easy for anyone to contribute to their blog. Additionally, they didn't want the overhead of building their own custom CMS. They wanted to start owning their own communication channels and provide a single place where they could offer their community education and project updates.
Choosing Hashnode
RedwoodJS chose Hashnode over other Headless CMS options because Hashnode is built specifically as a blogging platform, which is exactly what they needed.
Integration Experience
It was incredibly easy to integrate into Hashnode's Headless CMS, especially since it's based on GraphQL and RedwoodJS supports GraphQL out of the box.
Rating Hashnode's Headless CMS
On a scale of 1 to 5, RedwoodJS rated Hashnode's Headless CMS a solid 5.
RedwoodJS has greatly benefited from using Hashnode Enterprise as their Headless CMS. It has streamlined their blog contributions, reduced overhead, and provided a central communication platform for their community.
Get in Touch
If you want to achieve similar success for your blogs, give Hashnode Enterprise a try or get in touch with the Hashnode team.
“It was incredibly easy to integrate into Hashnode's Headless CMS, especially since it's based on GraphQL and RedwoodJS supports GraphQL out of the box.”
Amy Dutton
Lead Maintainer on the Core Team