Lucas·Oct 26, 2024Hi, I'm Lucas Schiavini, and I want to be a CEO of a Silicon Valley company.Everything you read on this blog is to get me closer to this goal. I build side projects when I'm not working. I travel and record videos too. And this is my life in a single page. If you want to support me any step of the way, or if you need help an...about
Diego·Oct 4, 2023Sobre a Open GarageA Open Garage é um experimento pessoal cujo objetivo é o de compartilhar conhecimentos e aprendizados, bem como: contribuir com a cultura do open learning e open teaching; difundir a importância dos processos, da jornada, do trabalho inacabado; in...about
Daily·Dec 17, 2022Welcome To Daily ToolsHey! We have created Daily Tools to provide tools to help developers in their daily activities. At present, there are only a couple of tools. They are UUID Generator Generate single and multiple V1,V4 and V5 version UUIDs. As the UUIDs gets generated...Welcome·Jul 2, 2022Class Tools 简介简介 Class Tools 系列应用是 Class Tools Develop Team 使用 C++ / Python 等常见编程语言开发的,均开放源代码并使用 MIT 许可证。 这个团队是 ren-yc 为提升课堂的高效、趣味性而设计的一系列辅助应用,最初只有 RandomRollCall (随机点名) 一个应用。 目前,这个团队已经有 8+ 位志同道合的开发者,欢迎您的加入!(具体加入方法请见文章底部) 我们也欢迎各位为我们提供建议。(具体提供方法请见文章底部) 下载 ...about