Mihai-Cristian Fagadaublog.mihaifagadau.dev·Aug 24, 2023Getting Started with Air Quality CLIIntroduction Air Quality CLI is a small CLI tool that is powered by air-quality PHP package. I launched a new open source project called Air Quality CLI, which allows you to get real-time air quality data directly from your terminal. With this tool, ...getting started
Patrick Skinnerblog.patrickskinner.tech·Apr 1, 2023The AirGuardian Node: How to Build a Fully Decentralized Air Quality Monitoring NodeIntroduction Air pollution is a growing concern across the globe, affecting the health and well-being of millions of people. As urbanization continues to increase and industrial activities expand, monitoring air quality has become a crucial task for ...1 like·162 readsGuardiandecentralization
Lukas Krimphovekrimphove.site·Mar 1, 2023Monitoring Air Quality With the Raspberry Pi Pico W — Part 2: Collecting and Visualizing the DataWhere have we left? If you followed along with my last story, you now should have a Raspberry Pi Pico W that can measure temperature, humidity, and an approximation of the carbon dioxide concentration. https://krimphove.site/blog/monitoring-your-air-...adafruit
Lukas Krimphovekrimphove.site·Feb 22, 2023Monitoring Your Air Quality With the Raspberry Pi Pico W — Part 1: Reading Data From SensorsWhile electricity prices are rising and temperatures are falling, I decided to build a simple air quality monitor. The idea is quite simple: save money by opening windows to let fresh air in as little as possible, but prevent stagnant air by opening ...Raspberry Pi
AirQo EngineeringforAirQo Engineeringairqoengineering.hashnode.dev·Aug 15, 2022Meet our UI/UX intern — Hakim LuyimaWho is Hakim? I’m a 21 year old UI/UX designer who’s interested in building products that are, accessible,inclusive and people love to use. I’m a believer in the idea that design isn’t what things look like, but design is how things work. When not dr...55 readsEngineeringair quality monitoring
AirQo EngineeringforAirQo Engineeringairqoengineering.hashnode.dev·Jul 31, 2022Addressing air quality data gaps: a hardware perspective to sustainable air quality networksWritten by Gideon Lubisia Air pollution is responsible for millions of respiratory-related illnesses and deaths globally. Most countries in the global north have developed high-quality air quality monitoring infrastructures to collect data used to in...Insightssensor network
AirQo EngineeringforAirQo Engineeringairqoengineering.hashnode.dev·Jul 31, 2022Air quality data smoothing using Moving AveragesWritten by Usman Abdul-Ganiy At AirQo, we collect large amounts of air quality data from different monitoring sites. This data is characterized by high frequencies which is the number of observations before a seasonal trend repeats. The high-frequenc...56 readsData Sciencedata smoothing