Ricky Mslateblack.hashnode.dev·Jan 14, 2025Demystifying x86 Assembly: An Introduction and How-ToI've been slowly learning assembly over the years by being exposed to it in my role as a Threat Analyst, but I would still consider myself to be a beginner. Lately, I've been taking action and learning more about it so that I can feel comfortable in ...83 readsAssembly
DAMIAN ROBINSONwww.damianrobinson.online·Jan 11, 2025Using CPU Registers EffectivelyIn this second foray into Assembly Programming, I get a little into efficiency and memory writes. Here are some examples demonstrating how to use CPU registers effectively for both x86 and ARM architectures. I’ll use registers to perform multiple ope...ProgrammingAssembly
DAMIAN ROBINSONwww.damianrobinson.online·Jan 11, 2025How CPUs Process InstructionsI’m diving into the realm of Assembly Programming in my spare time, because I’ve had an interest in truly low-level code for a while, now. I’d like to develop a deeper understand of how all this tech around me operates at the base level, and I hear i...Programmingassembly language
Ahmad W Khanblog.ahmadwkhan.com·Jul 9, 2024Mastering Assembly LanguageAssembly language, a low-level programming language, offers unparalleled control over computer hardware. This tutorial will guide you through the essentials of assembly language programming, culminating in the creation of a simple operating system ke...101 readsAssembly
Steven David Pillaystevenpillay.hashnode.dev·Apr 6, 2024Introduction to 64 bit AssemblyIn this blog, I am going to talk about x86 and Aarch64 assemblers, and their basic commands and we are going to code a simple loop that prints the index. Seems like a simple task right? Guess again, as we are going to do it in assembly language for t...lab3
Corey Gardnercoreyscorner.hashnode.dev·Mar 25, 2024Intro to x86 Hacking: Function ProloguesHacking is like doing a magic trick, it impresses the uninitiated precisely because they don't understand what they are seeing. The hacker is a systems thinker, an exceptional one who knows the rules of the system so well that it seems like they are ...assembly x86/64 assembly programming
Ritvik Saran Scodebyritvik.hashnode.dev·Feb 20, 2024Introduction to x86 Processor ArchitectureComputer architecture plays a crucial role in shaping the interaction between software and hardware. It provides an abstraction layer for software developers, allowing them to understand and write applications for a specific computer system. At the h...assembly x86/64 assembly programming
clockworkclockwork.hashnode.dev·Jan 17, 2024x86 core architecture.noise hello_friend, I hope y'all doing well now that 2023 is finally over for good. In this article I want to introduce you to some of the basics of the x86 architecture. This will serve as a reference for me too, so maybe this article will keep gro...91 readsx86 Assemblerassembler
Raineraineyang.hashnode.dev·Dec 16, 2023Learning Note: Learning the Implementation of Programs with Assembly LanguageThis article is a summary of Chapter 10 of: Yazawa, H. (2015). 程序是怎么跑起来的[How Program Works] (L. Fengjun, Trans.). People's Posts and Telecommunications Press Correspondance between Assembly Language and Native Code CPU can only execute native code, a...assembly language
Mithilesh GaikwadforMithilesh's Blogesymith.hashnode.dev·Dec 9, 2023Understanding Near, Far, and Huge Pointers in the Legacy x86 Memory ModelIntroduction In the annals of computer history, particularly during the heyday of MS-DOS and segmented memory models, programmers grappled with the intricacies of near, far, and huge pointers. These concepts were vital for managing memory in an era w...10 likes·31 readspointers