·Dec 6, 2024User Form Validation in HTML CSS and JavaScript | JavaScript Form Validation#Week 10 of 52 Weeks in JavaScript Projects Overview: How To Build an Form Validation using HTML, CSS and JavaScript | Client Side Form Errors Validation. Welcome to our JavaScript Form Validation Coding Tutorials. In this video, we’ll walk you throu...1 likeJavaScript
No Code·Apr 10, 2024Google Forms Alternative with QR CodeWhile Google Forms is the most common choice for capturing information, sadly, it does not support a QR code or barcode scanner. But using Clappia's no-code platform, you can design apps with additional features such as the QR Code or Barcode Scanner...Qrcode
No Code·Apr 9, 2024Google Forms Alternative for Forms to PDF ConversionIn this informative and engaging tutorial 📹, we explore a fantastic Google Forms alternative offered by Clappia. Discover how Clappia not only excels in data collection but also transforms your form submissions into professional PDF documents effort...forms to pdf
LingarajTechhub All About·Feb 8, 2024Complex ReactJS form with different input forms and display on webpageIn this example, we'll have text inputs, a textarea, radio buttons, a checkbox, and a dropdown/select field. The submitted data will appear on the webpage. Remember, this is just a basic example, and you can change it to fit your needs. import React,...form·Feb 5, 2024Sustainability Reporting: Streamlining the Process with Online FormsIntroduction Ah, in this ever-changing world of corporate responsibility, sustainability reporting has become quite the hot topic for businesses looking to flaunt their dedication to all things green, social, and governance-y (ESG, if you're into abb...form
Net Core·Dec 7, 2023How to use Form with Vue.JS 3In Vue.js 3, working with form elements involves using the v-model directive and handling user input events to update the underlying data. Vue.js provides two main ways to handle form input: Two-way Data Binding with v-model: Vue.js supports two-way...51 readsVue.js
Ogunuyo Ogheneruemu·Oct 11, 2023A Guide to Saving Variables to Session and Accessing Them Across Multiple PagesIn web development, it's common to need to store and access variables across different pages. One way to achieve this is by using PHP sessions. In this blog post, we will explore how to save variables to a session and access them from different pages...Session
Ogunuyo Ogheneruemu·Oct 11, 2023A Guide to Installing reCAPTCHA in a PHP FormreCAPTCHA is a widely used service to protect your website from spam and abuse. In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of installing reCAPTCHA in a PHP form. To keep things simple and safe, we'll use dummy keys for this example. Prerequ...PHP
Dania·Oct 6, 2023Using Fetch API POST Method to Store User Data on the ServerLet's say you have a web application that requires the users to register before using the web. In this case, you need to store the user's information so that they will be recognized the next time they visit the web. "but how can I store the user's in...10 likesfetch
Chi·Sep 9, 2023React Hook Form入門 | 純管理表單並完成與第三方框架配合的選擇 (下篇)此為ReactHookForm 介紹的下篇,如果還沒看過上篇的人可以先前往了解ReactHookForm基礎API。 mode 驗證時機 有了驗證條件,我們自然需要設定驗證時機!常見的驗證時機有當使用者改變了input的值(onChange)、當input Focus狀態取消(onBlur)、送出表單時一次驗證(onSubmit),這些我們在useForm時都可以做選擇,甚至所有驗證時機都要一次上的話可以填入all。無論怎麼填寫,都會在SunmitHandle觸發時,再一次做驗證。 cons...React