David Montesdeocablog.davidmontesdeoca.es·Oct 28, 2024The one about linting in a legacy Ruby projectPreviously, I mentioned that I recently started working on a new project. New for me, of course. The platform of this American fintech consists of many applications developed in multiple programming languages, but mainly in Ruby. There are several de...standardrb
Parveen Kumarparveenpal.hashnode.dev·Oct 2, 2024Setup a pre-commit hook with EsLint and prettier with husky in Javascript/TypescriptEslint is a tool for identifying and fixing bugs in javascript code. When working in a team, it ensures that all team member adhere to set of rules or guidelines, catching errors before code is committed. For example, you can define rule for single q...javascript linting
Vanshika Kumarvanshikakumar.hashnode.dev·Apr 25, 2024Streamline Your Development Workflow: A Guide to Git HooksGit Hooks: Automating Tasks and Enforcing Quality Git hooks are essentially scripts that execute automatically at specific Git events like commit, push, or rebase. They offer a versatile approach to: Automate Repetitive Tasks: Eliminate the tedium o...2 likesGitHub
Petru Grozeagrz.hashnode.dev·Jan 16, 2024How to lint your commit messagesYou just learned about Conventional Commits specification and its benefits, and would like to adopt it. Change is difficult, how do you make sure you never go rogue again? The answer to that is simple, using commitlint to lint your commit messages. W...106 readscommitlint
Agatha Bahatiagathabahati.hashnode.dev·Jan 1, 2024Code Quality on Autopilot: Demystifying pre-commit HooksMaintaining precise and consistent code formatting standards, commit message conventions and spell checking have all become part of my ritual when I work on projects; they are now practically woven into the fabric of my work. Picture this: you're goi...36 likes·122 readsautomated code checks
Dr. Gosdrgos.com·Nov 24, 2023Implementing Git Hook-Style functionality in Your TerminalIntroduction The power of the terminal lies in its flexibility and the ability to customize it to fit our unique workflows. Drawing inspiration from Git hooks, a powerful feature in Git that triggers custom scripts at certain points in its execution ...52 readsGit
Kristof Riebbelsdotnet.kriebbels.me·Feb 12, 2023Branching EtiquettePreviously on In one of my previous posts, I talked about my assignment. In summary, that assignment consists of making some REST API protected with an Oauth2 access token. During that assignment, the DevOps team rolled out a new way of deployment us...83 readsDevOpsGit
Shubham Kshetreshubhamkshetre.hashnode.dev·Dec 11, 2022Create Your First Git hookProtect your Git repository from mistakes, automate manual processes, gather data about Git activity, and much more with Git hooks. There are two groups of these hooks: client-side and server-side. Client-side hooks are triggered by operations such a...29 readsGit
5 Mins Learn5minslearn.hashnode.dev·Dec 5, 2022How to automate your work using Git’s add-on scripts?Git Hooks Brief Do you know you can automate a part of the work that you do every time during your development? This includes running lint, test cases, etc. before committing and pushing the code. Git provides an excellent option to achieve this. Tha...Git
Raul Naupariblog.raulnq.com·Nov 14, 2022Husky.Net: Git hooks made easyDuring our day-to-day, usually, there are repetitive tasks we always do: formatting code, running unit tests, following commit policies, etc. Easy tasks, but we make them over and over again, which is a waste of time and effort. Luckily there is a wa...34 likes·446 reads.NET