Danny Crastoblog.danwald.me·Sep 28, 2024http_referer is not accurateThe Referer http header (actually a misspelling of referrer) identifies the address of the webpage from which the resources has been requested. I wanted to add this context to an API request fired from that page. When making the request, the value on...Discussreferer
Reza RashidiforDevSecOpsGuidesrezaduty-1685945445294.hashnode.dev·Sep 16, 2024HTTP Security Headers1. X-Content-Type-Options Header The X-Content-Type-Options header prevents browsers from performing MIME sniffing, which could lead to security vulnerabilities. Policies nosniff -> Blocks a request if the MIME type does not match the resource type ...Discuss·2 likes·714 readsDevops
Nile Bitsnilebits.hashnode.dev·Sep 15, 2024Implementing Clickjacking Defense Techniques in JavaScriptThe emergence of sophisticated assaults like clickjacking has made security a primary issue in today's online world. By deceiving consumers into clicking on something that differs from what they initially see, attackers deploy a nefarious method call...DiscussJavaScript
Nile Bitsnilebits.hashnode.dev·Sep 1, 2024Django Request Life Cycle ExplainedIn the world of web development, understanding the request life cycle is crucial for optimizing performance, debugging issues, and building robust applications. In Django, a popular Python web framework, the request life cycle is a well-defined seque...Discuss·425 readsPython
Simon AsikaforSimular Bloghashnode.simular.co·Aug 28, 2024UserAgent 是什麼?網站如何用它辨識身分?今天夏格飛要介紹的是網站相關從業人員一定會聽過的 UserAgent,它常常被用來辨識使用者的瀏覽器、裝置或作業系統。而若有看過網站存取記錄或伺服器 log 的人,一定也常常看到 UserAgent 的完整字串。這些 UserAgent 字串到底是什麼意思,如何判讀,讓我們一步一步來解析。 [toc] 什麼是 UserAgent UserAgent 又稱使用者代理,是網站與伺服器用來辨識使用者行為的標記。所謂的使用者代理,意思是我們所操作的電腦、手機等裝置,以及上面用來瀏覽網頁的瀏覽器,其實是代...Discuss網站知識sec-ch-ua
sathwikreddy GVsathwikreddygv.blog·Aug 24, 2024WTF is multipart/form-data in HTTPIntroduction I've always wondered how files are sent to the server in an HTTP request. Whenever I need to create a UI for file upload on the frontend and send it to the backend using an API call, I set the content-type to multipart/form-data in my HT...Discussmultipart/form-data
Twinkle Goyalarttwis.hashnode.dev·Jul 29, 2024Node.JS Security Best Practices..The security of an application is extremely important when we build a highly scalable and big project. So in this article, we are going to discuss some of the best practices that we need to follow in Node.js projects so that there are no security iss...Discuss·1 likehttpHeaders
William Mainawilliammaina.hashnode.dev·Jun 5, 2024Mastering HTTP HeadersHTTP headers serve as the backbone of web communication, facilitating the exchange of metadata between clients and servers. Understanding the different types of headers, their use cases, and how to leverage them effectively in code is crucial for bui...Discusshttp
Sudipta Sahasudiptasaha.hashnode.dev·Apr 28, 2024'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'As per MDN "The Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header indicates whether the response can be shared with requesting code from the given origin." Basically, it is an HTTP header used to manage Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), which is a secu...Discuss·41 readshttp-headers
Ganesh Jcodemuscle.hashnode.dev·Apr 9, 2024The Epic Quest for Ultimate Next.js App SecurityIn the vast and ever-expanding universe of web development, there exists a fortress of formidable strength and unparalleled agility, known to many as Next.js. This fortress, while a beacon of hope and efficiency for developers far and wide, harbors a...DiscussNext.js