Jay Kadlagblog.devwithjay.com·Feb 4, 2025The Internet ProtocolIntroduction Everyday, billions of devices—like computers, smartphones, and smart TVs—talk to each other over the internet. But how do they know where to send and receive data? The answer is Internet Protocol (IP). Think of the internet like a huge p...102 likes·136 readsChaiCode
Sohag Hasannotes.sohag.pro·Feb 7, 2025Navigating the Digital Highway: Understanding IP Addresses and CIDR Blocks from ScratchUnderstanding IP Addresses and CIDR Blocks from Scratch What is an IP Address? Your Digital Home Address Imagine the internet as a massive city, and each device is like a house. Just as every house has a unique address, every device connected to the ...DevOpsip address
Jay Kadlagblog.devwithjay.com·Feb 4, 2025The Internet ProtocolIntroduction Everyday, billions of devices—like computers, smartphones, and smart TVs—talk to each other over the internet. But how do they know where to send and receive data? The answer is Internet Protocol (IP). Think of the internet like a huge p...102 likes·136 readsChaiCode
Ayush Gurjarsubnet-cidr-notation.hashnode.dev·Feb 3, 2025CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing)What is CIDR? The CIDR was introduced in 1993.CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) is a method of assigning IP addresses that improves the efficiency of address distribution and replaces the previous system based on Class A, Class B, and Class C net...CIDR
Precious Nathan Nnoromcloudmadeclear.hashnode.dev·Feb 3, 2025A Simplified Approach to Understanding IP Addresses and Calculating CIDR BlocksHi there, my fellow tech-savvy human. If you are reading this it means you want to finally understand the whole concept of IP addresses, how to calculate them and how CIDR blocks work and you’re welcome. Without further delay, let’s get into it. Firs...Cloud Computing
Ayush Gurjarip-address.hashnode.dev·Feb 1, 2025IP Addressing & Subnetting – IPv4, IPv6, CIDR notationWhat is an IP Address? It is used to generate or provide a unique address to the device connected to our network. It will help to communicate the device with each other. There are two types of IP addresses used: IPv4 and IPv6. IP addresses are assign...ip address
Ahmed Zakariazekoo0.hashnode.dev·Jan 30, 2025📡 Why Can't We Reduce the Subnet Mask Below /16 in IPv4?While studying networking, I came across an important point regarding IPv4 and address allocation. In IPv4, an address consists of:🔹 Network ID (the network part)🔹 Host ID (the device part)The Subnet Mask determines this division. Example: 192.168....Software Engineering
Ishan Dhingrabreaking-down-the-world-wide-web.hashnode.dev·Jan 25, 2025Discover the World Wide Web: A Guide for BeginnersHave you ever thought about how clicking a link opens a webpage so quickly? It might seem like magic, but the internet works like a worldwide postal service, sending information across continents in an instant. The Internet: A Highway Of Information...ChaiCode
Yogesh Yadavmagic-of-internet.hashnode.dev·Jan 23, 2025Rules of InternetWhat Are Network Protocols, and Why Do They Matter? Network protocols are sets of rules and conventions that govern how devices communicate over a network example :Think of network protocols as the rules of a game. Just like Football has rules about ...10 likesChaiCode
Kavindra Kumarwebandtechjargons.hashnode.dev·Jan 20, 2025Unlocking the Web: A Beginners to Advance GuideHTTP vs HTTPS : Have your brain ever grabbed attention , why some links has http where as others has https ? In this digital era where everything happens from your professional to the social life through internet all your data are publicly available ...11 likes·29 readsrootserver
Yash Sangwanbehind-the-scene-of-technology.hashnode.dev·Jan 18, 2025A Comprehensive Guide to How the Internet Really WorksHey there, fellow internet explorer! 🌐 Ever hit enter on your favorite website and wondered, "How the heck does this content get from some server in Silicon Valley to my screen in seconds? " Trust me, I asked myself the same question, and what I dis...2 likesWeb Development