Ojangole Jordanblog.ojangolejordan.com·Feb 9, 2025Integrating Microsoft OAuth and Graph API with NestJSIntroduction In this guide, I'll walk through the process of integrating Microsoft OAuth authentication and the Microsoft Graph API into a NestJS application. This integration will allow your application to authenticate users with their Microsoft acc...OAuth2
Shuka Zubaidatshukazuby.hashnode.dev·Feb 3, 2025The Convenience and Security of OAuth: A Comprehensive GuideIntroduction Users interact with numerous online platforms requiring authentication. Remembering multiple passwords can be overwhelming, leading many to reuse weak passwords across different services. To simplify authentication, many websites and app...oauth
Glory Koladeglorykolade.hashnode.dev·Jan 31, 2025API Security: Best Practices and Key Considerations for Protecting Your Web ApplicationsIn today’s interconnected digital landscape, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) serve as the backbone of modern web applications, enabling seamless communication between systems and services. However, their widespread adoption also makes them ...71 readsAPIs
Dev Shekhawatdevcodesthings.hashnode.dev·Jan 20, 2025What is OAuth.Despite eight years of web development experience, I recently encountered a humbling moment that many developers can relate to. While implementing Supabase authentication in a Next.js application, I found myself stumbling over terms like PKCE, code c...10 likes·28 readsWeb Development
Sakalya MitraforFutureSmart AI Blogblog.futuresmart.ai·Jan 16, 2025Integrating Google Authentication with FastAPI: A Step-by-Step GuideIn this blog, we’ll walk through the process of enabling Google Authentication for a backend API system built using FastAPI. FastAPI has emerged as a popular choice for developing advanced GenAI applications and we at FutureSmart AI use it regularly ...14 likes·456 readsGoogle Authentication: Integrating FastAPI, React, and Streamlitoauth
Dana Ciocandanaciocan.com·Jan 7, 2025Unlocking OAuth 2.0OAuth can seem quite complicated and magical when you first encounter it, with the codes and tokens and whatever else is going on. Let me reassure you, it’s actually quite simple! Let’s take a look. Why was OAuth first created? Back in ye olden days ...OAuth2
Evaldas Visockashashnode.programmersdiary.com·Jan 5, 2025Implementing double submit CSRF in microservicesHi. This is the twenty-forth part of the diary about developing the “Programmers’ diary” blog. Previous part: https://hashnode.programmersdiary.com/implement-https-in-microservices-and-fe. The open source code of this project is on: https://github.co...csrf
Noah Edizcodeandscale.hashnode.dev·Jan 1, 2025Integrating Custom OIDC Provider with Next.js and Next Auth v5: A Step-by-Step Guide📖 Source Code: https://github.com/ednoah/projects/tree/main/nextjs-authjs-oidc Introduction Let’s be real – integrating Ping Identity’s OAuth provider into Next.js wasn’t a walk in the park. The NextAuth v5 (now calling Auth.js) docs left me scrat...1 like·177 readsNode.js
Buddy Coderdevsingh.hashnode.dev·Jan 1, 2025How to Send Emails in Node.js Using Gmail, Nodemailer, and OAuth2Sending emails programmatically is a critical feature for many web applications, such as user authentication, password recovery, and notifications. In this article, you'll learn how to send emails in Node.js using Gmail, Nodemailer, and OAuth2. By le...10 likes·26 readssendmail
Rajtilak Bhattacharjeeparseltongue.hashnode.dev·Dec 23, 2024Implementing Reddit Auth for Flask AppEvery year we organize a Gift Exchange event at r/IndiaSocial just before Christmas. It's our version of Secret Santa. We have been organizing this even for the past 4 years, last year I thought we should get it more streamlined and so created an app...reddit