Saumil·16 hours agoHow to Design a Rate Limiter: Token Bucket vs. Leaky Bucket ExplainedIntroduction A rate limiter is a mechanism that is used to control the number of requests an entity (user, API client, service) can make within a specific timeframe. Rate limiters have two primary responsibilities: Protect servers against excessive ...1 likesoftware development
Pranav·Feb 16, 2025A quick guide to JWTs[33] Introduction JWT Stands for JSON Web Tokens. It is a way to manage authentication and authorization in web applications. JWTs are concise, self-contained tokens that consists of three components: header, payload and signature. Generally, these t...JWT
Ram·Feb 13, 2025Machine Coding Round (Implementations Questions)The following are some of the most important machine coding round questions Rate Limiter (Medium) You need to implement a Rate Limiter in JavaScript. The rate limiter should allow a certain number of requests per user in a given time window. Requirem...24 likes·35 readsChaiCode
Pradeep·Feb 12, 2025Rate Limiting for AWS - API GatewayIntroduction: AWS API Gateway is a fully managed service that allows developers to create, deploy, and manage secure APIs at any scale. It acts as a front door for applications to access data, business logic, or functionality hosted on AWS services l...AWS
Filip·Feb 1, 2025How to Make ASP.NET Core Fixed Global Rate Limiting by IP AddressAddRateLimiter services.AddRateLimiter(options => { options.RejectionStatusCode = StatusCodes.Status429TooManyRequests; options.GlobalLimiter = PartitionedRateLimiter.Create<HttpContext, string>(httpContext => { string ipAddress...rate-limiting
Affan·Jan 17, 2025🚦 Smart Limits: Rate Limiting ExplainedWhat is Rate Limiting ? Rate limiting is like your dad setting some rules to make sure you don’t play games too much in a short time. It's a way to control how often you can do something, like playing games, to make sure everyone gets a fair chance a...rate-limiting
Buddy·Jan 4, 2025How to Set Up Secure Forgot Password/ Reset in Node.js and ExpressThis article provides a complete implementation of a secure forget password system in NodeJs using express, mongoose. This feature is essential for user account security, allowing users to reset their passwords securely if they forget them. We will c...10 likesSecure Password Reset Node.js
Jason Joseph·Dec 23, 2024The Art of ProxyingWelcome back to the Taming Nginx series! In this article, we’re diving into the art of reverse proxying. While many guides focus on the basics, this article is for those who want to push Nginx to its limits, we'll explore advanced and peculiar use ca...Taming NginxLayer 7
Panth·Dec 7, 202410 Javascript tools for clear code designHey there, developer! You might need some tools to boost your skills, and here are a few to check out: ( Rate limit function invocation Sometimes you just want to make sure you don't go over the max number of calls to a...JavaScript·Nov 18, 2024Tutorial: How to rate limit Python async requests to Etherscan - and other APIsTL;DRThis article provides a tutorial on implementing rate limiting for Python async requests using the credit-rate-limit library. It demonstrates how to manage API rate limits effectively with an example using the Etherscan API, ensuring your asynch...179 readsPython