Ronald·Dec 26, 2024⛄The Abominable Firewall | A Common Threat Born of Neglect 🥶Firewalls are often regarded as the first line of defence in cybersecurity, serving as gatekeepers in a castle-and-moat architecture. However, far too many businesses unwittingly deploy what we’ll call “The Abominable Firewall.” Unlike its mythical n...3 likes·38 readsFirewallscybersecurity
Iman·Oct 2, 2024Telecom Growth Strategies: Unlocking Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Through Smart SegmentationIn this project, I utilized SQL in Snowflake to analyze NexaSat’s customer data and segment customers based on their lifetime value. By identifying opportunities for up-selling and cross-selling, I contributed to increasing the Average Revenue Per Us...10 likesTelecommunications
Mostafa·Sep 27, 2024[6] Understanding Segmentation in Computer SystemsAs you can see, even though the space between the stack and heap isn't used by the process, it still takes up physical memory when we move the whole address space to physical memory. This makes using a base and bounds register pair to virtualize memo...44 readsOperating Systems Three Easy Piecesoperating system
Ronald·Jul 14, 2024🛡️The Simple Thing you can do to make your Business more Cyber Secure🔑There is often mistake I sell a small business make that causes problems. It make them prime targets for lateral movement. In reality, its the same in the larger businesses but that is more question of competence than where in a smaller business its ...1 likecybersecurity
Anower·Jul 14, 2024Segment Tree-1Segment Tree Basic Node Divide With Segment Tree Node Numbering (Segment Tree) // build (node, begin, end) build (1, 1, N) { L = 2xN, R = (2xN) + 1 // Node Number Calculate mid = (begin + end) / 2 left = (L, begin, mid) left = (R, ...151 readssegment-tree
Oluwadamilola·Mar 6, 2024Enhancing Network Security Through SegmentationNetwork segmentation has emerged as a crucial architectural strategy for enhancing security, monitoring, and overall network performance. This approach divides a network into distinct segments, enabling the implementation of granular policies to cont...networking
Mithilesh GaikwadforMithilesh's·Dec 9, 2023Understanding Near, Far, and Huge Pointers in the Legacy x86 Memory ModelIntroduction In the annals of computer history, particularly during the heyday of MS-DOS and segmented memory models, programmers grappled with the intricacies of near, far, and huge pointers. These concepts were vital for managing memory in an era w...10 likes·36 readspointers
Lucy·Aug 14, 2023Customer Segmentation Using Kmeans Clustering in PythonTable of Contents Introduction Business Scenario Exploring Dataset Data Preprocessing K-Means Segmentation K-Means visualization Conclusion Introduction Customer segmentation is grouping customers into distinct categories with the same feat...1 likePython
Qiusheng·Aug 7, 2023Segmenting remote sensing imagery with box promptsSegment-geospatial v0.9.0 is out📢It now supports segmenting remote sensing imagery with box prompts. You can create box prompts interactively or use existing vector data as box prompts 🌐 GitHub: likes·785 readsSegment Anythingsegmentation
Harsh·May 2, 2023Understanding Demand Paging and Segmentation in Operating SystemsIntroduction In modern operating systems, memory management is an essential aspect of providing efficient and reliable computing. Memory management involves allocating and deallocating memory to processes and managing the use of virtual memory. Two i...224 readspaging