Hyunwoo Choihyunwoochoi.hashnode.dev·Feb 11, 2025Infrared(IR) SensorsInfrared (IR) sensors can detect infrared radiation (heat) and movement. It has a various use cases including: Automatic Doors - active or passive infrared sensors can be used for this application. Using active infrared sensors - the sensor emits i...Sensorsensors
Hyunwoo Choihyunwoochoi.hashnode.dev·Feb 7, 2025AccelerometersAn accelerometer is a sensor that measures acceleration forces, typically in three axes (X, Y, and Z). It has a various use cases including: Wearable Devices - Fitness trackers use this to track steps. X-axis (side-to-side movement), Y-axis (forwar...Sensoraccelerometer
Harikrishna Marampellytheaichronicles.hashnode.dev·Feb 3, 2025Beyond Text: The Rise of Multimodal AI and its ImpactThe world is a symphony of sensory experiences. We don't just understand things through words; we use our sight, hearing, and even touch to build a rich understanding of our environment. For years, AI has primarily focused on processing text, creatin...#multimodalai
Ayushi Lathiyaayushilathiya.hashnode.dev·Jan 1, 2025Sensor-Driven 3D Modeling for BeginnersIntroduction Imagine being able to visualize real-time motion using a tiny sensor and a web interface. This project does exactly that! By combining the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module with an MPU6050 motion sensor, we capture accelerometer and gyroscope data to...3d
John Garrisonjohngarrison.hashnode.dev·Dec 16, 2024Pixel Perfection: Understanding 3.0um Sensor TechnologyHave you ever wondered why some cameras capture perfect details while others fall short, even in tricky lighting conditions? Or why certain cameras excel in fast-moving environments, while others struggle to deliver sharp, clear images? The answer co...camera
Clark Grayclarkgray.hashnode.dev·Dec 1, 2024Illuminating the Future: How Pulsed Lasers are Revolutionizing Technology and ScienceIn the previous article, we explored the historical developments of the laser and the principles of laser physics. Briefly, we mentioned their wider applications that propelled industries and science into the modern world. This modern world has seen ... #PulsedLasers
asherantoash.hashnode.dev·Oct 22, 2024Ultrasonic SensorA guide to interfacing the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor with an STM32F072 Nucleo board. Working Principle Background on ultrasonic sensing: These are devices that use sound waves to detect objects and measure distances. This module contains a transmitte...STM32
Aakashi Jaiswalaakashi.hashnode.dev·Oct 14, 2024Understanding Microcontrollers and IoT: From Sensors to CloudEmbedded systems and IoT (Internet of Things) are driving many of the smart technologies we use today. From simple gadgets like fitness trackers to complex systems like self-driving cars, microcontrollers and microprocessors play a crucial role. In t...11 likesinternet
M Ishlah Buana AngkasaforGaris Kode Communitygariskode.com·Aug 15, 2024Publish and Subscribe Data with Wemos D1 Mini Using MQTT ProtocolIntroduction The Wemos D1 Mini is a compact, Wi-Fi-enabled development board based on the ESP8266 chip, making it a popular choice for IoT projects. This guide demonstrates how to use the Wemos D1 Mini to both publish and subscribe to data using the ...1 like·340 readswemos
Nathan Virgílionathanvirgilio.hashnode.dev·Jun 21, 2024Como checar a temperatura do processador no UbuntuCertifique-se se o pacote de sensores está instalado: sudo apt-get install lm-sensors Agora, basta detectar os sensores do sistema: sudo sensors-detect O sistema vai perguntar se você quer habilitar os sensores. Em geral, confirme que sim até o fin...Ubuntu