Ugne·Jan 29, 2024Short-Circuit Evaluation for Performance Boost and Error HandlingPerformance and good error handling play a significant role in development. Smart use of short-circuit evaluation can help immensely in these cases. It is a core concept in many programming languages, but this article will focus on JavaScript to show...short-circuiting
Yousra·Oct 5, 2023Understanding Short-Circuiting in JavaScript🔥What is Short-Circuiting? Short-circuiting is a concept related to how JavaScript evaluates logical expressions involving the && (logical AND) and || (logical OR) operators. These operators are used to combine conditions and make decisions based on...23 likes·158 readsJavaScript·Jul 27, 2023JS Short Circuiting to Shorten your CodePart 2 (logical AND) In JavaScript, we can utilize short-circuiting using || (logical OR) or the && (logical AND) operators. This article focuses on the logical AND (&&) operator and provides examples. Logical AND && Examples Try to guess and test th...12 likes·54 readsJavaScript·Jul 19, 2023JS Short Circuiting to Shorten your CodeIn JavaScript, we can utilize short-circuiting using || (logical OR) or the && (logical AND) operators. This article focuses on the logical OR (||) operator and provides an example of how to use it to simplify code. Logical OR || Examples Try to gues...5 likes·60 readsJavaScript
Debasish·Mar 6, 2023Short Circuiting Operators && and ||Short-Circuiting method in JavaScript helps us to avoid unnecessary processing and leads to more efficient work. JavaScript will evaluate the expression from left to right and short circuits and the result. It can use any data type, return any data t...UpWebJavaScript
Pranav·Feb 25, 2023Short-Circuiting: And, Or, Nullish Coalescing and Optional ChainingThe && and || operators In javascript, the && (and) operator and the || (or) operator are among the initial fundamentals we encounter while learning the language. These are also known as logical operators as they help our program decide in which dire...JavaScript
Vishnu V·Dec 25, 2022Short Circuiting in JavaScriptIntroduction Consider the following code snippet: // if-else statement if (isUserLoggedIn) { return privateData; } else { return false; } The above code can be written in a more concise way like this: // Short Circuiting isUserLoggedIn && pr...83 readsJavaScript
Joel·Aug 20, 2022Short Circuiting in JavaScript.TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction OR operator (||) AND operator (&&) NULLISH COALESCING operator (??) Conclusion Introduction: When a part of an expression is evaluated and the remaining part of the expression won’t affect the evaluated result, then t...2 likes·69 readsJavaScript
Varun·Jun 14, 2022Short-Circuiting in JavaScriptWe have always used boolean operands up until now when we work with logical operators. In javascript, we can make use of non-boolean values as well with logical operators(&&, || ) which is known as short-circuiting. Let's have a look at short-circui...76 readsJavaScript