IMORI·Jan 28, 2025Suspense in Horror Video Games: Opportunities and Challenges in Its ConstructionA Multifaceted Genre: Horror in Video Games Creating an effective horror video game requires a unique blend of storytelling, gameplay, and atmosphere. Unlike cinema and literature, video games offer interactivity, placing the player at the center of ...horror
shohanur·Nov 17, 2024Concurrent Mode in ReactConcurrency means executing multiple tasks at the same time but not necessarily simultaneously. In the context of React.js, concurrency refers to having more than one task in progress at once without blocking the main thread, and concurrent tasks can...concurrent-rendering
Rishi·Oct 10, 2024Mastering Loading States in Next.js: Effective Use of Suspense and loading.tsxWhen dealing with server components and fetching data in Next.js, a common mistake is neglecting to handle the loading state effectively. Imagine you're loading product data in a server component, and while the API request is being processed, the pag...12 likes·218 readsYou Don't Know Next.jsNext.js
Jamie·Sep 28, 2024Route-level Suspense with React RouterRoute vs Component-level Suspense - what does our app need? In my previous post, I addressed managing loading states at the component level using React Suspense. But it’s important to note that there are potentially other ways to implement our error ...suspense
Jamie·Sep 22, 2024React loading states and working effectively with dataIntroducing loading states In my app so far, I have implemented error boundaries for handling error states in React components, helping to provide a fallback if there is an issue during data fetching and rendering: In the case above, a request has f...28 readssuspense
Abeer Abdul·Sep 5, 2024Lazy Loading, Suspense and Error Boundary in React ExplainedLazy Loading and Suspense Lazy loading and suspense both could have been separate concepts and thus it seems the explanations should be separate. But in real world apps most of the time you will see they works hand-in-hand. So, this is why I am cover...ReactReact
Lucas·Aug 1, 2024Stop using useQuery from React-Query !In any web application, managing loading and error states is crucial. Displaying loading states keeps the user informed, but historically, this management can be tedious to implement manually. React Query greatly simplifies the handling of loading st...5 likes·7.4K readsReact
Sober·May 15, 2024Lazy Load - The Better WayWhat is lazy Load ?In the realm of web applications, "lazy loading" reigns supreme as a go-to method for ensuring rapid content display to users as soon as they navigate to the site. In the react world, react provides a nifty method lazy for doing th...1 like·113 readslazyload
Varenya·Mar 13, 2024Async React with SuspenseAs React devs we deal with async stuff every day. We know firsthand how awkward and complicated async logic can get. Now add components into the mix it only gets more complicated. Suspense was the solution that React came up with to solve for that. A...10 likes·169 readsuse
Yoonsung·Feb 2, 2024React 19가 다가온다React 19에서는 새로운 훅이 추가되는데, 이 훅은 data fetching, form 생산성 향상에 대한 내용이다. 이 두 주제는 프론트엔드에서는 굉장히 중요한 주제인데, React에서는 이 주제애 대한 생산성 향상을 위해 어떻게 접근했을지 알아보자. use(Promise) Suspense는 이제 리액트와 뗄 수 없는 기술 스택이 되어가고 있다. React-Query에서 제공하는 useSuspenseQuery라는 훅이 있긴 했지만,Reac...43 readsReact