Sergey·Jan 8, 2025quote и о её необходимостиЕщё одна функция, которую считают классической для Лисп - “кавычки” или “цитата”. Кстати, в PicoLisp одинарная кавычка - алиас или синоним, но не включен в документации отдельной статьей, распознается интерпретатором как макрос для этой функции. quot...picolisp
Ali Rıza Ş·Dec 16, 20241) Basic Syntax & Data Types in JavaAs suggests, we’re going to start from the basic syntax and data types in Java. Java is mainly an object oriented language, which means we’re mostly going to utilize objects for our program logic. Basic Syntax When writing a ...31 readsLearning Javajava-syntax·Dec 1, 2024Postgres Vs MySQLBelow these are some commands to start server and login to terminal client in macOS and DDLs OperationPostgreSQL CommandMySQL Equivalent Start the serverpt_ctl -D /path/to/data startsudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server start Stop ...Database SystemsPostgreSQL·Oct 1, 2024Understanding Syntax and Semantics ExplainedIf you're learning a language, you've probably heard the word "syntax" and deal with it all the time. (Fucking Syntax Error). It was a few nights ago that I was thinking to myself, I never followed programming paradigms and techniques seriously, and ...10 likessyntax
Dilip·Oct 1, 2024Java main() MethodThe main() method in Java is the entry point for any standalone application, called by the JVM to start program execution. It must be public, static, and void, with a String[] parameter for command-line arguments. The method's syntax is strict, but s...44 readsJava BasicsJava
Yagya·Sep 8, 2024Week 1: Golang doesn't have While loopThis week, I learned about array slices, maps, structs (classes in Golang), if-else statements, switch-case, loops, functions, methods, and the defer keyword. Golang is a pretty interesting language with its opinionated syntax that keeps the code lo...1 likeGo Language
Ketan·Aug 26, 2024Week 2: Diving Deeper into Terraform - Provider Lock Files, Resource Management, and DependenciesIn the second week of my Terraform learning journey, I delved into some crucial aspects that form the foundation of managing infrastructure as code (IaC) with Terraform. This week, I focused on: Terraform Provider Dependency Lock File Terraform Res...1 likeTerraform·Aug 7, 2024Panduan Dasar Sintaks PHP untuk Programmer Web PemulaHalo, Kawan KodingKu!😊 Siap untuk mendapatkan kejutan dan kesenangan di dunia pemrograman? 🎉 Mari kita mulai petualangan ini dengan semangat dan kebahagiaan! 😄 Kali ini, Kawan-Kawan akan mempelajari tentang Sintaks di PHP, bahasa pemrograman serve...Edukasi#kodingku
arman·Jul 21, 2024Mastering Formal Grammars: An Introduction to the Chomsky HierarchyPrevious Posts: Creating TuffScript: Exploring Esoteric Programming Languages and Their Foundations Chomsky hierarchy When we talk about formal grammars and languages, it's important to discuss the Chomsky Hierarchy. Starting with a broad overview o...1 like·78 readsgrammar
Saurabh·Jul 4, 2024Your First PHP Script: Hello World!Today, we'll guide you through creating and running your first PHP script. The "Hello World" program is a classic beginner's exercise in many programming languages, and PHP is no exception. Let's dive in! What is PHP? PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is ...PHP Basics