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10 most useful build-in method in javascript beginners need to know

·May 5, 2021·

2 min read

At first, you need to some history about JavascriptJavascript is a programming language. it's the first release in 1996. Brendan Eich is the inventor of javascript. Javascript called LiveScript at the initial time. so I am going to tell 10 important build-in methods In javascript.

1.typeOf(): it's a very important method in javascript. if you want to be a good programmer you must know about can identify data type in javascript using this method.if you want to know more about this here map method is used in an array to traverse every single element. it has been easiest and shorted more code to read array items.for example:

map method.png

3.length(): when we work with string almost time needs to calculate character how many. so this method helps us to know the exact length of the string.

4.toLowerCasse(): to convert sting into lowercase character this method can help us.

5.split(): split method is very important in javascript. almost every time we need to use an array in the program. if we want to divide each array element in a single element separate by comma or etc. then we need to use the split method.

6.charAt(): this method used to find the index position value of the array item. we need to just provide the index number then the method will return the exact character of this index

7.includes(): this method used to check specific string is available or not in a string.if available then the method will return true otherwise false. for example:

includes method.png

8.concat(): the concrete method used for adding one more string or element. Concat method returns an array as return value. for example:


9.trim(): the trim method used to remove extra space left and right sides of a string.

trim method.png

10.floor(): floor method used to do in metaethical operations. sometimes we face difficult situations to calculate floating-point numbers. if we get a result that in float number like this situations we need what should we do? should sacrifice .4 or add it increase 1 with this case we can use floor method. when after point value less than 5 then this can't add extra point number if point value is greater than 5.then floor method increase 1 to calculations