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A Brand new technique to learn any skills.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

A Brand new technique to learn any skills.

Anshul Tamrakar's photo
Anshul Tamrakar
·Jan 31, 2022·

2 min read

This question became extremely essential to me when I began acquiring new skills, whether it was a new digital sales technique, game design, game development, or learning to code.

So, like any other guy, I went to YouTube to see "what is the best way to learn any skills," and fortunately, all I found was a lot of confusion, everybody is talking about learning this or that but no one is actually talking about how to learn which led me to realize that the best thing about the information age is that you can learn anything with a single click, and the worst part is that there is so much information available on the internet that it confuses you as well.

So, after many iterations and failures, I've actually figured out what I'm able to process information. I've discovered a few techniques that actually help me acquire any skill in a short period of time.

Always follow project-based learning

Personally, I adore this technique, but what exactly is project-based learning? Let me clarify. It simply means that you try to learn only the parts that are required at the time. for example, If you want to make a web app for yourself, instead of learning the entire JavaScript language, you should focus on learning only the concepts that are necessary at the time or for the app that is building.


One of the things I realized about the learning process is that it is not a linear process, learning is like light bulbs what it means is that if you understand a concepts light bulb goes on, and if you don't understand a concept light bulb goes off So in this topic, you only cherry-pick those concepts which you are interested in When I was learning game development I cherry-pick only those topics which are more relevant to me like grey boxing

Perspective switching

What this means is consuming different forms of the same topics. let me explain to you in a simpler way for example if you don't understand any topics which seem complex to you try to look into that same concepts in a different form like in the video or go and read a blog about it.

As long as you understand that topic from a different perspective from different angles you kinda build a 360 perspective of two to three people explaining it, and this is how you end up learning those concepts well

Thanks for reading this blog about learning any skills and make sure you apply this principle as well

Remember to Keep striving for progress instead of perfection