AMA: I'm Adam Argyle. Developer, Designer, Speaker, Parent, Skater, && Musician. Ask me Anything!
Sup y'all, I'm Adam; developer, designer, speaker, parent, skater, && musician. Ask me anything!
tl;dr:Google Chrome CSS DevRel 🥑;
Co-host on the [CSS Podcast](;
Member of the CSSWG;
#[VisBug]( creator;
dev += designer;
parentNode + 2 leafs;
CSS/JS/UX addict;
repeat(∞, [empathize, define, design, develop, deploy]);
Longer story is I've been professionally building apps for 10+ years and I feel really fortunate for that. I was able to grow with the complexity of apps and their quick entrance into this world. I took a few years of computer science at first, later went to design school, and all the while was working at agencies building apps, doubling down on education and experience.
Most of my career has been in the front end or design, but I've architected and managed services and apps on AWS and Google Cloud, so devops is no stranger. I've held roles at startups all the way up to large companies, design companies and engineering companies. All in all though, I think the agency life, where I rapidly built apps for every platform and many many screens, primed me for this growing world of more screens and more design surfaces for code and UX alike. One year the company I was at, with our team of 10-15, output 12 solid web apps. That kind of production has given me years of perspective to reflect on.
Ask me anything!! (but here's a few to stir the pot)
How much you love CSS
Component architecture
UX & microexperiences
Designer and Developer flows
CSS strategies
Semantic HTML
Front end career paths
I will start answering your questions live on Friday, 10th April, 05:00 PM GMT.