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Ask anything to Vue.js Team

Ask anything to Vue.js Team

Evan You's photo
Evan You
·Sep 13, 2017

Vue (pronounced /vjuː/, like view) is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. It is designed to be incrementally adoptable, with the ability to scale between just a library and a full-feature framework, depending on your use case.

Ask Vue.js Team about:

  • Using Vue.js
  • Contributing to code base
  • Vue.js roadblock
  • JavaScript ecosystem
  • General Programming advice

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Thank you for joining our AMA. The questions were brilliant; we all had much fun answering them. Here is a summary of the AMA:

  • Vue 2.5 is coming
  • vue-cli 3.0 has started and we want the community to participate
  • We plan public roadmap to make it easier to get on board and contribute.
  • Egoist and Linusborg might or might not be machines/AI
  • React patent issues don't affect Vue; we are unlikely to see any issues surrounding this. Vue will remain on MIT license.
  • Company backing is not an issue for us. We believe Vue has already surpassed the critical mass and "survival" is really no longer an issue.
  • Weex, NativeScript + Vue, and other tooling will be supported by the team for the long term. We are helping to mature the documentation and bridge the gap to help adoption.
  • React Fiber is interesting. Vue can leverage some learnings, and we will watch the space. Although we don't see a strong need to implement something similar.
  • Vue 3.0 is in the planning phase, targeting evergreen browsers. This will help us enhance the reactivity system and reduce library size. 2.x and 3.x will be maintained in parallel.
  • Web components will not (yet) be part of core, but we will continue to watch this space
  • We wish Wordpress all the best with their upcoming challenges and will support them as much as we can. It's still too early to say what will happen here, but we are very excited as a team on the prospects it brings.
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