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Benefits of Bootcamp

Benefits of Bootcamp

Seun Ogundele's photo
Seun Ogundele
·Dec 1, 2020·

2 min read

Why some people have to consider on campus BOOTCAMP to jump start their coding journey ?

I have read so many stories of self taught developers and to be honest, the idea of self learning and not having to answer to any one or authority is what drove me to learning about programming and web developing in general, this reason along with my love for creativity and solving problems and i am glad i made the decision but this post is about how i tried so many times to learn coding online on my own and i failed, I always gave up so easily but i didn't know why until recently when i joined an on campus BOOTCAMP February 2020 for Full Stack Developer Course, I was able to complete the first level of the course which include HTML, Css, Bootstrap,Javascript and jQuery and then Covid-19 happened and turned all our lives upside down, we moved the course online and again i couldn't keep up, i was doing so well before Covid-19 so what happened ?

But then after the COVID-19 cases had gone down here in South Africa we were allowed back on campus and i was so happy to resumed back my coding journey, i have since then finished level 2 and started Level 3 to complete the course.

This blog post is for people who are struggling with learning online and couldn't commit to the process, joining a bootcamp is a good way to get into coding because they will give you structure and most importantly you will be giving real life examples as tasks with a mentor or lecturer to grade your tasks and help whenever you have difficulty solving a problem.

I have since then completed the Responsive Web Design course on FreeCodeCamp and started the Javascript just to help me with my learning process.