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Building a react x electron code editor pt.3 - creating a basic lexer and visualising tokens

Building a react x electron code editor pt.3 - creating a basic lexer and visualising tokens

Pablo Fuster Aparicio's photo
Pablo Fuster Aparicio
·Jan 28, 2020


Last post we were looking at tokenization and how the code editor would approach syntax highlighting. We established the lexer library would be language-agnostic and rely on the language grammar to be plugged in. The tokeniser function would look something like this:

function tokenise(text: string, plugin: Plugin): Token[] {
    // tokenising ongoing...

    return tokens

NOTE: moving to Typescript

I completely migrated the project to typescript and I can't recommend it enough. Code is now clear, typed and modular packages can actually be easily understood with typed interfaces.

writing a basic javascript grammar

To write a grammar we have to learn a bit of RegEx. Language rules consist of a token name and a RegEx rule to match the text. For example, the simplest we could do would be to match every number with a rule like this:

    "name": "number",
    "rule": "/d"

More complicated rules could be a function call identifier:

    "name": "function-identifier",
    "rule": "\\b[a-z_]([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)?(?=\\()",

In this case the Regex looks for:

  • \b a word boundary start.
  • [a-z_] one lowercase letter or underscore.
  • ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)? Followed by an optional number of lower, uppercase, numbers or underscores.
  • (?=\() Preceded by a parentheses.

note: In json backslashes are escaped by another backslash.

We can add more and more rules like this to our grammars to compile a comprehensive javascript tokeniser.

creating the Lexer class

So let's start with a Lexer.ts defining some interfaces:

 * Typescript namespace for the Lexer interfaces.
export declare namespace Lexer {

     * A Plugin in the lexer is a Language grammar with an id and a list of Grammar rules
    export interface Plugin {
        id: string,
        grammars: { [key: string]: Grammar }

     * A Grammar defines a RegEx rule and its name identifier.
    export interface Grammar {
        name: string | null,
        rule: string | null,

     * An identified set of characters matched by a grammar in the Lexer
    export interface Token {
        name: string,
        value: string,
        index: number

We have a Plugin object which is the language lexical grammar, made of an id and a keyed object of Grammars, the rules that define a Token.

The token object has a name, value and a start index.

Now let's create the Lexer class:

 * The Lexer class performs lexical analysis, tokenisation and contains helper methods for parsing text.
export class Lexer {


Our tokenise function will:

  • iterate through the plugin's grammar and apply the rule to the given text.
  • If there are match results, create a token and push it to an array we initialise.
  • Finally sort the array by index to have them in their natural order.
     * Tokenises the given text into a {@link Token} array.using a given {@link Plugin}.
     * @param text Text to tokenise.
     * @param plugin Plugin language to apply grammars from.
     * @returns Token array.
    tokenise(text: string, plugin: Lexer.Plugin): Lexer.Token[] {
        // create an array from the grammars object,
        // ATT use <any> hack for ES6 ts to discover the values method,
        // @see
        const grammars = (<any>Object).values(plugin.grammars)

        // create a new array to store the tokens,
        const tokens: Lexer.Token[] = []

        // for each lang grammar,
        grammars.forEach((grammar: Lexer.Grammar) => {
            // init a lexical grammar rule,
            var rule = grammar.rule

            // create the regex from the feature match regex,
            const regex = new RegExp(rule, 'gms')

            // nullable array to store match results,
            var matchResults: RegExpExecArray

            // loop until null the match expression to get every regex match result,
            while ((matchResults = regex.exec(text)) !== null) {
                    value: matchResults[0],
                    index: regex.lastIndex - matchResults[0].length

        // sort tokens by their natural index order,
        tokens.sort((a, b) => a.index - b.index)

        return tokens

visualising our tokens

It's hard to see what you are doing in code sometimes without some good html to visualise what's happening. We have to create a React component, let's call it Editor, which generates lines of text vertically, themselves mapping tokens horizontally. That will sort of resemble a text editor!

export default function Editor(props: EditorProps) {

    return (
        <div className="editor">
   => <Line value={line} plugin={props.plugin}/>
export default function Line(props: LineProps) {

    const lexer = useMemo(() => new Lexer(), [])

    // Memoize the tokenisation operation on this Line.
    const tokens = useMemo(() => {
        // skip if plugin is null,
        if (props.plugin !== null) {
            return lexer.tokenise(props.value, props.plugin)
        } else {
            return []
    // dep on the value or plugin,
    [props.value, props.plugin])

    return (
        <div className="line">
 , index) => <span key={index} className={'token ' +}>{token.value}</span>)


Ouch what happened here?

There is one more step before having a properly tokenised text. Right now our lexer will generate duplicate tokens that fall into two or more categories, such as an identifier and keywords!

We want to add a reducer function that combines duplicate tokens into one with the different names in a hierarchy of importance. For example an 'identifier' token is superseded by a 'keyword' function, as we should always highlight a lexeme as a keyword instead of a default identifier.


Now this can be done in many ways, I'll leave here what I have done for now:

        // init a previous token to hold the last indexed token,
        var previousToken: Lexer.Token = {
            index: 0,
            name: "",
            value: "",

        // reduce repeated tokens by index,
        const reducer = tokens.reduce(
            (acc: Lexer.Token[],
            token: Lexer.Token) => {
                // end index,
                const prevEndIndex = previousToken.index + previousToken.value.length
                const endIndex = token.index + token.value.length

                // if the start index is the same...
                if (token.index === previousToken.index) {
                    // the new token might consume the old one, so pop the previous token,
                    if (endIndex >= prevEndIndex) {

                    // if this new token's end is the same as the previous one...
                    if (endIndex === prevEndIndex) {
                        // chain the token names since they start at the same index,
               = + ' ' +

                        // push this new token instead,

                        // assign the previous token to this one,
                        previousToken = token

                // if this new token's index consumes the previous one...
                if (endIndex > prevEndIndex) {
                    // push this new token instead,

                    // assign the previous token to this one,
                    previousToken = token

                // return the accumulator,
                return acc

Next steps

With a basic lexer going, next time we will look at implementing the editor properly in React.