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Building a Tic-Tac-Toe Game in VueJS

Building a Tic-Tac-Toe Game in VueJS

Oduah Chigozie's photo
Oduah Chigozie
·Dec 22, 2021·

22 min read


In this article you will learn how to create a simple tic-tac-toe game using VueJS. In order to fully understand this article you will need to know basic VueJS, HTML and JavaScript. You will also need to know the JavaScript's promises with its async/await functions. By the end of this tutorial the website will look like the image below


Building the game board.

To start off you should create a project directory tic-tac-toe (you can call it whatever you want. Inside the project directory, create a file index.html. Also create another folder scripts this will be where we keep the vue.min.js and the files (this part is optional, and if you want you can use the cdn link at

In index.html file write;

 <!DOCTYPE html>
 <html lang="en">
     <script src="./scripts/"></script>
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
     <div id="App">
       <div class="Game">
         <table class="GameBoard r-t-l r-t-r r-b-l r-b-r">
               <td class="cell r-t-l"></td>
               <td class="cell"></td>
               <td class="cell r-t-r"></td>
               <td class="cell"></td>
               <td class="cell"></td>
               <td class="cell"></td>
               <td class="cell r-b-l"></td>
               <td class="cell"></td>
               <td class="cell r-b-r"></td>

If you are using the vue cdn change the src attribute of the script tag on line 6 to "".

From the 9th - 31st line the div with the id App is the app container where all the vue operations will take place. On the 10th line the div element of class Game is used by the stylesheet only to center the board on the screen. The r-t-l, r-t-r, r-b-l and r-b-r classes are only used by the stylesheet for rounding the edge they represent in the element.

  • r-t-l means round-top-left border,
  • r-t-r means round-top-right border,
  • r-b-l means round-bottom-left border, and
  • r-b-r means round-bottom-right border.


Under the closing div tag for the element class Game (line 30) add a div element of class Text. This will be where the game commentary will be. So, to make it work we will add the text {{ text }} inside this tag.

Then under the newly created Text tag we will add another div with the class Button. Inside this tag we will write <button id="ResetButton">Reset</button>. This will be the button that will be used to reset the game. The div container around the reset button is used by the stylesheet to center the button to place.

In total, the code that will be added below the line 30 is;

  <div class="Text">{{ text }}</div>
  <div class="Button">
    <button id="ResetButton">Reset</button>

To enable the board to show the X's and the O's, we will need to add in some variables to the inside of the cells of the HTML table, like;

<table class="GameBoard r-t-l r-t-r r-b-l r-b-r">
      <td class="cell r-t-l">{{ board[0] }}</td>
      <td class="cell">{{ board[1] }}</td>
      <td class="cell r-t-r">{{ board[2] }}</td>
      <td class="cell">{{ board[3] }}</td>
      <td class="cell">{{ board[4] }}</td>
      <td class="cell">{{ board[5] }}</td>
      <td class="cell r-b-l">{{ board[6] }}</td>
      <td class="cell">{{ board[7] }}</td>
      <td class="cell r-b-r">{{ board[8] }}</td>

The {{ board[0] }} additions will enable vue display changes in the data.

Adding the styling

Create a file called style.css, Then copy and paste the code below to the file

   #App {
     height: 100vh;
     width: 100vw;
     display: flex;
     flex-direction: column;
     justify-content: space-around;

   #App .Game, .Button {
     display: flex;
     justify-content: space-around;

   .GameBoard {
     width: 300px;
     height: 300px;
     background: linear-gradient(purple, blue);
     box-shadow: 0px 5px 10px rgb(138, 89, 138);

   .GameBoard .cell {
     text-align: center;
     border: none;
     width: 95px;
     height: 95px;
     background-color: whitesmoke;

   body {
     padding: 0px;
     margin: 0px;
     background-color: whitesmoke;

   .Text {
     text-align: center;
     font-size: x-large;
     font-weight: 900;

   #ResetButton {
     background-color: rgb(0, 200, 255);
     font-size: large;
     font-weight: 900;
     border-radius: 5px;
     color: white;
     border: 10px;
     padding: 15px;

   #ResetButton:hover {
     background-color: rgb(0, 104, 133);

   .r-t-l {
     border-top-left-radius: 20px;
   .r-t-r {
     border-top-right-radius: 20px;
   .r-b-l {
     border-bottom-left-radius: 20px;
   .r-b-r {
     border-bottom-right-radius: 20px;

   * {
     font-family: sans-serif;

Adding the script.

To start of we will add a script tag inside the bottom of the body element (it must be at the bottom for it to work). Insert the following code in the script tag;

    let data = {
      board: [' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '],
      text: "",

    new Vue({
      el: "#App",

add a load event listener to the windows windows.addEventListener('load', () => main()); (put it at the bottom of the script tag). Then create a function called main on the top of the script (this is where all the logic for the game is handled). It is going to be a recursive function that gets called again every time the reset button is clicked.

Because we will be implementing the player operations using asynchronous functions we have to make the main function asynchronous. To make a function asynchronous, we put async in the front of the function definition like so;

  async function main() {

Then in between the parenthesis of the main function, add the argument swap=false. This will be used to swap which player goes first every time the game is reset. The main function definition should look like the following now;

async function main(swap=false) {

In the first two lines of the main function type in

let player1 = !swap ? 'x' : 'o';
let player2 = !swap ? 'o' : 'x';

This fragment responds to the swap argument passed to main. It swaps the player 1 position every time the game is reset

The script tag should be something like the following now;

>    async function main(swap=false) {
>      let player1 = !swap ? 'x' : 'o';
>      let player2 = !swap ? 'o' : 'o';
>    }

    let data = {
      board: [' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '],
      text: "",

    new Vue({
      el: "#App",

>    window.addEventListener('load', () => main());

">" means that the line was just added

If you look at the game board from your browser at this point a Reset button would under it. We wouldn't want it there until the game is finished like;


So we create a function deactivateResetButton()

function deactivateResetButton() {
  document.getElementById("ResetButton").style.visibility = "hidden";

We will also need a function that activates the reset button when the game is over so it will be called activateResetButton. This function will be used later in this tutorial.

function activateResetButton() {
  document.getElementById("ResetButton").style.visibility = "visible";

To keep our code clean, we need to remove repitions. The code fragment document.getElementById("ResetButton").style.visibility appears more than once. We could make this fragment into a function that sets the visibility, but since we will also be creating an event listener later in this article we will only create a function getResetButton() that returns a pointer to the HTML element.

function getResetButton() {
  return document.getElementById("ResetButton");

and update the two functions like so

function deactivateResetButton() {
>   getResetButton().style.visibility = "hidden";

function activateResetButton() {
>   getResetButton().style.visibility = "visible";

The updated script tag will now be

  async function main(swap=false) {
    let player1 = !swap ? 'x' : 'o';
    let player2 = !swap ? 'o' : 'o';

>    deactivateResetButton();

>  function getResetButton() {
>    return document.getElementById("ResetButton");
>  }

>  function deactivateResetButton() {
>    getResetButton().style.visibility = "hidden";
>  }

>  function activateResetButton() {
>    getResetButton().style.visibility = "visible";
>  }

  let data = {

Keep in mind that the ">" is not part of the code

Now it is time to add some player action to the game. We do that by inserting

while (getEmptySpacesPos(data.board).length !== 0) {
  await watchPlayer(player1);
  if (playerWon(player1)) {break;};

  await watchPlayer(player2);
  if(playerWon(player2)) {break;};

to the main function. This is where the player logic is handled

  • on the 1st line of this fragment the function getEmptySpacesPos gets a list of all the positions in the board that are empty. Then the while block uses the function to check if the list is still not empty when it has finished responding to the players.
  • on the 2nd and 5th line of the fragment the function watchPlayer is asynchronous so the main function waits for its response before proceeding with the program. The watchPlayer waits for a player to click on the board, then it gets the cell position that was clicked and updates the board with the player character passed as the argument for reference.
  • and the 3rd and 6th line, the playerWon function check if the player passed as the argument has won the match. If the player wins, the loop is exited and the game is over.

  • The the code fragment above depends on the getEmptySpacesPos, watchPlayer and the playerWon function:

function getEmptySpacesPos(board) {
  if (board.length === 0) return [];
  else {
    let head = board[0];
    let tail = board.slice(1, board.length);
    let pos = 9 - board.length;
    if (head === ' ') return [pos, ...getEmptySpacesPos(tail)];
    else return getEmptySpacesPos(tail)

This function get the list of the positions of empty spaces in the board. The argument board of this function contains the board data. The function is a recursive function that seperates the first element head (4th line) of the board from the rest of the board in tail (5th line), then it checks the head for if it contains a space. If it does, it adds the position of the element to the list of empty-space positions and applies the same function to tail. And if it doesn't, it does not add the position to the list and continues to apply the function to tail. The spread operator on the 7th line is used to add the results of the recurring functions to one list and prevents it from giving us a multi-dimensional array whenever we call the function.

async function watchPlayer(character) {
  updateText("Player " + character.toUpperCase() + " turn.");
  let emptySpaces = getEmptySpacesPos(data.board);
  let pos = await playerMove(character, emptySpaces);
  updateBoard(pos, character);

This function waits for the user to click on the board and then it responds to it.

  • First, it declares that the it is the character's turn to play (2nd line).
  • Then it check for all the empty spaces in the board so that the players don't overwrite a non-empty space (3rd line).
  • After that, it waits for the player to make a move. When the player has make a move, it saves that position to pos (4th line).
  • And finally, the function updateBoard updates the board using the pos and the player character to know where to place the which character in the board data (5th line).
function playerWon(playerCharacter, board=data.board, stats={ h1: 0, h2: 0, h3: 0, v1: 0, v2: 0, v3: 0, d1: 0, d2: 0}) {
  if (board.length === 0) {
    return Object.keys(stats).filter(key => stats[key] === 3 ).length === 1;
  } else {
    let head = board[0];
    let tail = board.slice(1, board.length);
    let position = 9 - board.length;

    let newStat = {...stats}
    let statsToAddTo = getStatsToAddTO(position);
    statsToAddTo.forEach(prop => {
      if (head === playerCharacter) { newStat[prop]++ };

    return playerWon(playerCharacter, tail, newStat);

Finally, the playerWon function is also recursive and it takes in the playerCharacter (either 'x' or 'o') as the first argument, board as the second and stats as the third argument (for the sake of simplicity they are optional and will be ignored when calling the function in our code). The function checks the board data for the presence of all the playerCharacter ('x' if the player character is 'x' and 'o' if the player character is 'o') in the board and uses their position on the board to update the pattern stats and at the end of the program. A pattern is a direction on the board that can contain 3 characters in a row. It then checks the stats argument for all completed patterns. If one pattern is completed then the player has won and the function returns a boolean true, otherwise, the player has not won the game and it returns a boolean false.

  • In the stats argument the
    • h1: means the first row
    • h2: means the second row
    • h3: means the third row
    • v1 - v3: means all the columns from the first to the third.
    • d1: means the major diagonal (\)
    • d2: means the minor diagonal (/)


  • the function works by seperating the first element head from the rest of the board data tail (5th and 6th line).
  • Then it gets the position of the head in the board at the 7th line.
  • At the 9th line a clone of the stats is created as newStat to prevent any potential side effects.
  • After, it uses the position variable to get the list of stats to increment on line 10. The type of stat to increment will always depend on the position of the character in the board. For example: The first cell in the board lies on the first row, the first column and the major diagonal. So the list of stats that will be incremented are h1, v1 and d1.
  • On lines 11 - 13 the list of stats to be incremented is used to know the stat to increment in the newStat variable. The updated newStat variable is then passed to the function again in the next iteration using the remaining part of the body, tail, as the new board argument.. The same playerCharacter is used all through out the recurring function calls.
  • Finally, on the 3rd line, we iterate the stats argument. Because JavaScript doesnt have a shorter object iteration, we have to get a list of the keys first by using the Object.keys function on the stats argument and then using the stats[key] to reference the each element elements). After the iteration, we filter all the completed patterns with ... ).filter(key => stat[key] === 3) (all completed patterns will appear as the number 3 in the stats object). And to finish it all, it checks if there is a completed pattern with ... ).length === 1;. This line is explained last because it is only executed when the function is done iterating the board data

  • At this point the script should look something like

      let player2 = !swap ? 'o' : 'o';
    >  while (getEmptySpacesPos(data.board).length !== 0) {
    >    await watchPlayer(player1);
    >    if (playerWon(player1)) {break;};
    >    await watchPlayer(player2);
    >    if(playerWon(player2)) {break;};
    >  }
    > function getEmptySpacesPos(board) {
    >   if (board.length === 0) return [];
    >   else {
    >     let head = board[0];
    >     let tail = board.slice(1, board.length);
    >     let pos = 9 - board.length;
    >     if (head === ' ') return [pos, ...getEmptySpacesPos(tail)];
    >     else return getEmptySpacesPos(tail)
    >   }
    > }
    > async function watchPlayer(character) {
    >   updateText("Player " + character.toUpperCase() + " turn.");
    >   let emptySpaces = getEmptySpacesPos(data.board);
    >   let pos = await playerMove(character, emptySpaces);
    >   updateBoard(pos, character);
    > }
    > function playerWon(playerCharacter, board=data.board, stats={ h1: 0, h2: 0, h3: 0, v1: 0, v2: 0, v3: 0, d1: 0, d2: 0}) {
    >   if (board.length === 0) {
    >     return Object.keys(stats).filter(key => stats[key] === 3 ).length === 1;
    >   } else {
    >     let head = board[0];
    >     let tail = board.slice(1, board.length);
    >     let position = 9 - board.length;
    >     let newStat = {...stats}
    >     let statsToAddTo = getStatsToAddTO(position);
    >     statsToAddTo.forEach(prop => {
    >       if (head === playerCharacter) { newStat[prop]++ };
    >     });
    >     return playerWon(playerCharacter, tail, newStat);
    >   }
    > }
    function deactivateResetButton() {...}
    function activateResetButton() {...}
    let data = {

{...} means that the block was hidden for simplicity.

The last set of functions needed are playerMove, updateBoard, updateText and the getStatsToAddTO and are defined as;

function playerMove(character, emptySpaces) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    emptySpaces.forEach(spacePos => {
        .addEventListener('click', () => resolve(spacePos));

This is an asynchronous function that waits for the board to be clicked, then it returns the cell position that was clicked. It takes in the player character and the list of emptySpaces as arguments. On the 3rd line, the list of all the empty spaces' positions is iterated and a click event is registered on the cells that are empty to prevent overwriting a cells that aren't. This function returns a promise that waits for the result of the function before proceeding with the program.

function updateBoard(pos, character) {
  let newBoard = [];
  newBoard[pos] = character;
  data.board = newBoard;

The updateBoard function takes in the position that was clicked by the user, pos, and the character to be placed on the board at that position.

  • For the board to be updated, a clone of the current board is made using the spread operator to prevent any weird behaviour on the 2nd line.
  • Then the character is placed at the position given by pos on the clone of the board (newBoard) on the 3rd line.
  • And finally, the current board is replaced with the clone the 4th line. When the board data gets replaced the app container gets refreshed and the changes will be seen.
function updateText(text) {
  data.text = text;

This is one of the simplest function we will be making in this tutorial. What it does is that it changes the text that is going to be shown below the board.

Text below the board

function getStatsToAddTO(position) {
  return (position === 0 ? ['h1', 'v1', 'd1'] :
          position === 1 ? ['h1', 'v2'] :
          position === 2 ? ['h1', 'v3', 'd2'] :
          position === 3 ? ['h2', 'v1']:
          position === 4 ? ['h2', 'v2', 'd1', 'd2'] :
          position === 5 ? ['h2', 'v3'] :
          position === 6 ? ['h3', 'v1', 'd2'] :
          position === 7 ? ['h3', 'v2'] : 
          position === 8 ? ['h3', 'v3', 'd1'] : []);

This function is used by the playerWon function to get all the pattern stats to be increased by 1. For example, on the board, the first cell has position 0 and lies on the first row h1, first column and the major diagonal d1, and so on with the rest. Then the list of stats that the positions lie on is returned to the playerWon function to help it figure out if a player wins.

Now the script tag should look like;

  let player2 = !swap ? 'o' : 'o';


  while (getEmptySpacesPos(data.board).length !== 0) {
    await watchPlayer(player1);
    if (playerWon(player1)) {break;};

    await watchPlayer(player2);
    if(playerWon(player2)) {break;};

> function playerMove(character, emptySpaces) {
>   return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
>     emptySpaces.forEach(spacePos => {
>       document
>         .getElementsByClassName("cell")[spacePos]
>         .addEventListener('click', () => resolve(spacePos));
>     });
>   });
> }

> function updateBoard(pos, character) {
>   let newBoard = [];
>   newBoard[pos] = character;
>   data.board = newBoard;
> }

> function updateText(text) {
>   data.text = text;
> }

> function getStatsToAddTO(position) {
>   return (position === 0 ? ['h1', 'v1', 'd1'] :
>           position === 1 ? ['h1', 'v2'] :
>           position === 2 ? ['h1', 'v3', 'd2'] :
>           position === 3 ? ['h2', 'v1']:
>           position === 4 ? ['h2', 'v2', 'd1', 'd2'] :
>           position === 5 ? ['h2', 'v3'] :
>           position === 6 ? ['h3', 'v1', 'd2'] :
>           position === 7 ? ['h3', 'v2'] : 
>           position === 8 ? ['h3', 'v3', 'd1'] : []);
> }

 function getEmptySpacesPos(board) {...}

 async function watchPlayer(character) {

At this point The game is basically done and you can start playing with it. But then, you might want to give the user the ability to reset the game without having to refresh the page everytime the game is over. So now it is time to add the final feature of the game. The reset button.

Before we start working on the reset button we would want the user to easily see who the winner is. And for the sake of simplicity we wouldn't be drawing the line that goes across the 3 characters in a row. Rather, we would display a text underneath the board that says who won if there is a winner and says that it is a tie if there is no winner.

To do this we will put the function call;

updateText( playerWon(player1)
  ? "Player " + player1.toUpperCase() + " won!"
  : playerWon(player2)
      ? "Player " + player2.toUpperCase() + " won!"
      : "It's a tie!" );

under the while loop in the main function. It is placed there because, when the game finishes, the while loop is exited and the runtime environment continues to the next line.

Now that we've added the text, we need to make the reset button functional. To do that we need to add the following code fragment under the last updateText function;

```JS activateResetButton(); await resetButtonClick(); resetBoard();

return main(!swap); ```JS

In the end the main function should look like this;

async function main(swap=false) {
  let player1 = !swap ? 'x' : 'o';
  let player2 = !swap ? 'o' : 'x';


  while (getEmptySpacesPos(data.board).length !== 0) {
    await watchPlayer(player1);
    if (playerWon(player1)) {break;};

    await watchPlayer(player2);
    if(playerWon(player2)) {break;};

>   updateText( playerWon(player1)
>                 ? "Player " + player1.toUpperCase() + " won!"
>                 : playerWon(player2)
>                     ? "Player " + player2.toUpperCase() + " won!"
>                     : "It's a tie!" );

>   activateResetButton();
>   await resetButtonClick();
>   resetBoard();

>   return main(!swap);
> }
  • activateResetButton() function makes the reset button visible on the screen
  • Then, the await resetButtonClick(); function waits for the reset button to be clicked before proceeding with the rest of the code
  • After waiting for the reset button to be clicked, the game board is reset with the resetBoard function
  • And finally the program starts again on the return main(!swap); line, this time, swapping which player goes first.
  • the definitions supporting the previous functions are
    function resetButtonClick() {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        getResetButton().addEventListener('click', resolve);

This is an asynchronous function that returns a promise. It registers a click event listener in the reset button to make the code to proceed with it's execution when the button is clicked.

function resetBoard() {
  data.board = [' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '];

This function is very simple and all it does is to replace the current board data with a new and empty one.

Now, we have come to the end of the tutorial and the body tag should look like;

  <div id="App">
    <div class="Game">
      <table class="GameBoard r-t-l r-t-r r-b-l r-b-r">
            <td class="cell r-t-l">{{ board[0] }}</td>
            <td class="cell">{{ board[1] }}</td>
            <td class="cell r-t-r">{{ board[2] }}</td>
            <td class="cell">{{ board[3] }}</td>
            <td class="cell">{{ board[4] }}</td>
            <td class="cell">{{ board[5] }}</td>
            <td class="cell r-b-l">{{ board[6] }}</td>
            <td class="cell">{{ board[7] }}</td>
            <td class="cell r-b-r">{{ board[8] }}</td>
    <div class="Text">{{ text }}</div>
    <div class="Button">
      <button id="ResetButton">Reset</button>

    async function main(swap=false) {
      let player1 = !swap ? 'x' : 'o';
      let player2 = !swap ? 'o' : 'x';


      while (getEmptySpacesPos(data.board).length !== 0) {
        await watchPlayer(player1);
        if (playerWon(player1)) {break;};

        await watchPlayer(player2);
        if(playerWon(player2)) {break;};

      updateText( playerWon(player1)
                     ? "Player " + player1.toUpperCase() + " won!"
                     : playerWon(player2)
                         ? "Player " + player2.toUpperCase() + " won!"
                         : "It's a tie!" );
      await resetButtonClick();

      return main(!swap);

    let data = {
      board: [' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '],
      text: "",

    function resetBoard() {
      data.board = [' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '];

    function updateText(text) {
      data.text = text;

    function getResetButton() {
      return document.getElementById("ResetButton");

    function deactivateResetButton() {
      getResetButton().style.visibility = "hidden";

    function activateResetButton() {
      getResetButton().style.visibility = "visible";

    function resetButtonClick() {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        getResetButton().addEventListener('click', resolve);

    function updateBoard(pos, character) {
      let newBoard = [];
      newBoard[pos] = character;
      data.board = newBoard;

    async function watchPlayer(character) {
      updateText("Player " + character.toUpperCase() + " turn.");
      let emptySpaces = getEmptySpacesPos(data.board);
      let pos = await playerMove(character, emptySpaces);
      updateBoard(pos, character);

    function playerMove(character, emptySpaces) {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        emptySpaces.forEach(spacePos => {
            .addEventListener('click', () => resolve(spacePos));

    function getEmptySpacesPos(board) {
      if (board.length === 0) return [];
      else {
        let head = board[0];
        let tail = board.slice(1, board.length);
        let pos = 9 - board.length;
        if (head === ' ') return [pos, ...getEmptySpacesPos(tail)];
        else return getEmptySpacesPos(tail)

    function getStatsToAddTO(position) {
      return (position === 0 ? ['h1', 'v1', 'd1'] :
              position === 1 ? ['h1', 'v2'] :
              position === 2 ? ['h1', 'v3', 'd2'] :
              position === 3 ? ['h2', 'v1']:
              position === 4 ? ['h2', 'v2', 'd1', 'd2'] :
              position === 5 ? ['h2', 'v3'] :
              position === 6 ? ['h3', 'v1', 'd2'] :
              position === 7 ? ['h3', 'v2'] : 
              position === 8 ? ['h3', 'v3', 'd1'] : []);

    function playerWon(playerCharacter, board=data.board, stats={ h1: 0, h2: 0, h3: 0,
                                                                  v1: 0, v2: 0, v3: 0,
                                                                  d1: 0, d2: 0})
      if (board.length === 0) {
        return Object.keys(stats).filter(key => stats[key] === 3 ).length === 1;
      } else {
        let head = board[0];
        let tail = board.slice(1, board.length);
        let position = 9 - board.length;

        let newStat = {...stats}
        let statsToAddTo = getStatsToAddTO(position);
        statsToAddTo.forEach(prop => {
          if (head === playerCharacter) { newStat[prop]++ };

        return playerWon(playerCharacter, tail, newStat);

    new Vue({
      el: "#App",

    window.addEventListener('load', () => main());

Note: The order of the functions were arranged from smallest to biggest

Thanks for reading.