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Configuring VS Code for Vue Development

Flavio Copes's photo
Flavio Copes
·Jun 19, 2018

Visual Studio Code is one of the most used code editors in the world right now. Editors have, like many software products, a cycle. Once TextMate was the favorite by developers, then it was Sublime Text, now it's VS Code.

The cool thing about being popular is that people dedicate a lot of time into building plugins for everything they imagine.

One of such plugins is an awesome tool that can help us Vue.js developers.


It's called Vetur, it's hugely popular, with more than 3 million downloads, and you can find it on the Visual Studio Marketplace.

Vetur marketplace page

Installing Vetur

Clicking the Install button will trigger the installation panel in VS Code:

Install Vetur in VS Code

You can also simply open the Extensions in VS Code and search for "vetur":

Search vetur in extensions

What does this extension provide?

Syntax highlighting

Vetur provides syntax highlighting for all your Vue source code files.

Without Vetur, a .vue file will be displayed in this way by VS Code:

Vue file without Vetur

with Vetur installed:

Vue file with Vetur

VS Code is able to recognize the type of code contained in a file from its extension.

Using Single File Component, you mix different types of code inside the same file, from CSS to JavaScript to HTML.

VS Code by default cannot recognize this kind of situation, and Vetur allows to provide syntax highlighting for each kind of code you use.

Vetur enables support, among the others, for

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Pug
  • Haml
  • SCSS
  • PostCSS
  • Sass
  • Stylus
  • TypeScript


As with syntax highlighting, since VS Code cannot determine the kind of code contained in a part of a .vue file, it cannot provide the snippets we all love: pieces of code we can add to the file, provided by specialized plugins.

Vetur provides VS Code the ability to use your favorite snippets in Single File Components.


IntelliSense is also enabled bye Vetur, for each different language, with autocomplete:



In addition to enabling custom snippets, Vetur provides its own set of snippets. Each one creates a specific tag (template, script or style) with its own language:

  • scaffold
  • template with html
  • template with pug
  • script with JavaScript
  • script with TypeScript
  • style with CSS
  • style with CSS (scoped)
  • style with scss
  • style with scss (scoped)
  • style with less
  • style with less (scoped)
  • style with sass
  • style with sass (scoped)
  • style with postcss
  • style with postcss (scoped)
  • style with stylus
  • style with stylus (scoped)

If you type scaffold, you'll get a starter pack for a single-file component:



export default {




the others are specific and create a single block of code.

Note: (scoped) means that it applies to the current component only


Emmet, the popular HTML/CSS abbreviations engine, is supported by default. You can type one of the Emmet abbreviations and by pressing tab VS Code will automatically expand it to the HTML equivalent:

Emmet support

Linting and error checking

Vetur integrates with ESLint, through the VS Code ESLint plugin.

ESLint configuration

ESLint at work

Code Formatting

Vetur provides automatic support for code formatting, to format the whole file upon save (in combination with the "editor.formatOnSave" VS Code setting.

You can choose to disable automatic formatting for some specific language by setting the vetur.format.defaultFormatter.XXXXX to none in the VS Code settings. To change one of those settings, just start searching for the string, and override what you want in the user settings (the right panel).

Most of the languages supported use Prettier for automatic formatting, a tool that's becoming an industry standard.

Uses your Prettier configuration to determine your preferences.

I'm working on a Vue.js course. If you're interested in learning Vue, get on the list to get a free 100+ pages ebook about the Vue fundamentals next week!