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Fitness App Development Guide: Choosing the Right Type and Functionality

Nickolas's photo
·Oct 25, 2018

With a flourishing mobile development industry, every smartphone user can do whatever he wants from the comfort of his home. The lack of a free time to attend foreign language classes or to go to the gym is not a problem anymore because everything you need is a dedicated mobile application. Literally, your phone is your teacher, doctor, and coach at the same time. Surprisingly, but the last two smartphones embodiments have become incredibly requested recently. Since that, we've decided to focus on them and find out what to do if you want to create your own fitness application. So ready! Steady! Go!

Fitness application: How to develop your first one? Different types of fitness apps There are millions of fitness apps on app stores different fitness app development companies, yet, not all of them are popular. If you plan to create fitness app, let's consider the apps which customers love and use the most according to their types:

  1. High-intensity interval training HIIT is a kind of applications which offer customers short period training workout (usually 10 minutes long) with lots of high intensive exercises. Such exercises require plenty of energy and torches lots of calories in a short time. HIIT app exercises are very effective but they require a certain level of training from a customer. It isn't safe to use this app to a person who has just started doing sport. Remember it when you build your own fitness app. One of the brightest examples of a HIIT program is an Android fitness app Tabata HIIT Interval Timer. how to build a fitness app - example Tabata HIIT Interval Timer - fitness app
  2. Diet and nutrition app Such apps help users track the number of consumed calories. A user chooses a product he ate in the list, indicates its weight and gets a precise number of calories. In such a mode, the person can see how many calories he consumed during the day, control, loose or gain some kilos. If you want to build a fitness app of this type, you need to know that these applications usually have a barcode scanner which is extremely helpful when a customer is doing shopping.

Discover a story of the world's biggest gym directory app development from Cleveroad! All these features you can find in the Calorie Counter - My Fitness Pal app. It's one of the most popular diet and nutrition apps on Google Play store. The app is free and it claims that 88% of its users (who visit this app 7 times a week) has lost some weight. If you want to know how to develop a fitness app like My Fitness Pal, our specialists at Cleveroad will give you a hint. how to make a fitness app to count calories My fitness Pal - app to count calories

  1. Activity tracking app These of apps can cover one specific kind of sport or a lot of them. For instance, there are apps for cyclists, runners, or exercise trackers, and so on. Usually, they also cover person's movements as well. Like tracking the distance travelled, number of steps taken or climbed, burned calories and some other metrics. While considering how to make a fitness app to track users' activities, don't forget that these apps work much better if they are compatible with wearable devices. It can be a smartwatch or fitbit, for instance. These gadgets significantly extend the functionality of a fitness application. One of the great motivation tricks which activity tracking app often uses is social integration. For example, Nike Run Club allows customers to share their progress in a number of various social networks and, what is even more helpful, to find a companion for a user in his area for joint exercises. You also need to add such social features when you make your own fitness app. It's always great to train with friends or other fitness enthusiasts. In case you don't even imagine how to make fitness app, you'd better look at one of such programs and download Runtastic Running and Fitness Tracker. The app easily tracks users' movements with the help of GPS. It's also compatible with different fitness wearables.…