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freash look of ‘BUN’

freash look of ‘BUN’

Bun is a new JavaScript runtime That is faster than node and deno. In this blog, I'm going to tell you what it is like and help you install it.

Isaac xu's photo
Isaac xu
·Jul 11, 2022·

2 min read

A few days back, I found a new javasrcipt Runtime ‘BUN’.It is very promising, so I’m going to make a overview about it.


What is BUN ?

Bun is a baby javascript runtime created by Jarred Sumner a few days ago. It is build on javascriptcore from WebKit. Not like Bun, other runtime like node and Deno are built on V8 .Bun also have the potensial to replace node.js and become the number one runtime.


Bun can do almost everything node.js can do the only difference is Bun is faster than node.js. Being fast is pretty cool but the best part is that Bun is a all-in-one runtime It has a native module bundler which means that you can get rid of tools like webpack and also have a native transpiler that can allow you to write typescript and JSX out of the box .It also have the abilities to download most npm 20times fast.another fantastic feature of Bun that save you from installing DoteEVN everytime you open a project because Bun load those evnironment automatically.


How fast is BUN

Bun is the fastest Javascript runtime. Way faster than the old Javascript runtimes node.js and Deno.We are talking about massive here just look at the graph down below


It is about 3 times faster when server rendering React and has a big difference in the other two as well.


To install Bun on your PC go to your terminal and type

curl | bash

Thank you to read my first blog.I’m a 14 year old programmer That just started to write blog.Please forgive me if I said anything wrong and if you have any suggest please comment down below or DM me on twitter Thank you