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Guidelines to programming

Chiamaka Ochulor's photo
Chiamaka Ochulor
·Aug 11, 2020·

1 min read

When you want go learn coding you need to think of basics factors to know which are:

  1. What is programming? You need to understand what programming entails before you think of going into it.

images.jpeg-22.jpg Ref:google images

  1. Why should you learn it: When you are going into programming you should think of why you want to learn it. Some people learn it for fun while some want a career in that path.

images.jpeg-23.jpg Ref:Google images 3.Choose the right language: to do this right, it is advisable to research about different programming language and tech fields, and chose whichever interest that suits you the most.

4.Choose the right resourses that can help you learn: This is very essential. You will need a laptop or any gadget that can help you learn, people,and learning materials. Learning materials could be documents or videos or tutorials, choose what’s best for you. Else you can join a community where you can learn to program from and with the people in the same field.

images.jpeg-24.jpg 5.Pratice and keep learning: Keep praticing, it’s how to get better.


ref:Google images