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HNGi8 - Goals And Expectations

Shola Umakhihe's photo
Shola Umakhihe
·Aug 15, 2021·

2 min read


Well, as a tech enthusiast that I am, canvasing around tech related hubs and programs has always been a thing of joy for me. When I got accepted into the prestigious HNG internship for the 8th season tagged HNGi8, i was full of joy, "Yeah, finally, great time to explore my potentials and meet great mind. For me HNG internship is not just about the T-shirt or freebies attached, its a time of collaboration and syncing with the best of best minds in the tech world.


I am a frontend web developer with distincts in HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, ReactJs. In preparation for the HNG internship, I took an internship with the zuri team where I had time to groom my skills. We were taught from the very beginning of web tech. I met with agile and ardent minds which for me is the best thing to have.

The world is growing fast, and things like this keeps us abreast of what the world is up to. We get to find out about new techs and they are being used. We get to master these techs in the shortest of time.

HNGi8 promises to be great, I look forward to creating magic with my team and other great interns. I hope to keep up with the pace at which the internship turns. I look forward to collaboration and mentor-ship both with interns and mentors.

In general, my goals for HNGi8;

  • Get to stage 10
  • Meet people
  • Create magic
  • Learn as much and as fast as possible
  • Find a mentor

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