How come the condition is not working?
I am given the products variable and need to create a function called rateProduct which rates the product, but if you've already rated that product you don't get to rate again. Now my code seems to be working however when I add my username the second time, I can still rate the same product again and again but the hardcoded userIds (fg12cy and zwf8md) would not be able to rate the same product again and again. When I console log the variable product, I see my personal username is added the first time into product, so why is it not following the condition coded like the hardcoded userIds?
const products = [
_id: 'eedfcf',
name: 'mobile phone',
description: 'Huawei Honor',
price: 200,
ratings: [
{ userId: 'fg12cy', rate: 5 },
{ userId: 'zwf8md', rate: 4.5 }
likes: []
_id: 'aegfal',
name: 'Laptop',
description: 'MacPro: System Darwin',
price: 2500,
ratings: [],
likes: ['fg12cy']
_id: 'hedfcg',
name: 'TV',
description: 'Smart TV:Procaster',
price: 400,
ratings: [{ userId: 'fg12cy', rate: 5 }],
likes: ['fg12cy']
function rateProduct (description, userId, rate){
let correctDescription = true
let ratingObject = {}
ratingObject.userId = userId
ratingObject.rate = rate
let alert = true
products.forEach((item) => {
if(description === item.description){
correctDescription = true;
for(let i=0; i<item.ratings.length; i++){
if(userId !== item.ratings[i].userId){
alert = false
} else{
correctDescription = false
return "No product is found to be rated"
} else if(alert) {
return "You've already rated this product"
return products
console.log(rateProduct("Smart TV:Procaster", "fg12cy", 4))
console.log(rateProduct("Smart TV:Procaster", "kris", 4)) /* initially updated product with "kris" and 4, but after calling the function again with "kris" and 3, the product here also got updated with "kris" and 3 - not staying as "kris"
and 4 here for ratings inside product*/
console.log(rateProduct("Smart TV:Procaster", "kris", 3))
console.log(rateProduct("Smart TV:Procaster", "zwf8md", 2))