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How my 2020 went. Geez 😂

Precious Ayangbenro's photo
Precious Ayangbenro
·Jan 1, 2021·

6 min read

Where do I even start from? If you are reading this article, I'm glad to tell you that it feels good letting you have an insight into a chapter of my life.

2020 year was filled with a lot of 'firsts' for me. For one, this is my first time writing a review about my year. I got admission into university for the course I applied for, yay!

The first three months was a rollercoaster for me. I got to leave home to another state, met a lot of amazing people, went to different churches' fresher's night just for the fun and of course the rice 😁. Also during this period, I had my first emotional breakdown, it was not pretty, I do not know if I have gotten better but, here I am.

Whilst still soaking in all this experiences, strike and corona virus happened. To be honest, I don't know if I'm glad or I'm sad. But good things definitely came out of it.

2 to 3 months into the imposed holiday, I was still reading like a crazy person in anticipation of resumption (do not blame, I did not know the year already had a mind of it own). Up until August, I was still trying to ginger myself to study but things were not the same no more.

During the lockdown period and few months after, I got to spend a very long time with my relatives for the first time ever. I could not go back home to my parents. I also got to hone my skills as a hairstylist during this period. Sadly, I also lost three dear people.

A little while after the lockdown was lifted, I got the opportunity to model for a shoot for the first time (remember I said the year was filled with a lot of firsts for me). I did not even know I had it in me to model and that passion may just have to die unfortunately.

I am getting to the more interesting part -rubs hands gleefully-. Around June/July, I got introduced into the SCA(SheCodesAfrica) community. Thanks to SCA UNILAG chapter and my two wonderful mentors (Bolu and Pearl, the latter is an advocate for amala 😂), who showed me the ropes on how to be a technical writer. If someone asks me this time last year(2019) if I ever see myself writing, my answer would have been "heck no!" Do not get me wrong, I have always tried writing when I was young but I always end up getting frustrated. The period the mentorship program ran was amazing, I mean there were eviction threats, then encouraging words, all in all, it was a wonderful experience for me. The tech community is filled with nice people that are always ready to help.

September/October, I joined a brand as a campus ambassador. That community (Creat!NG) is filled with dope creatives and people ready to make impact in Africa. More wins for Creat!NG.

Fast forward to December, my most stressful month of the year. From being sick to having to attend various events, I almost snapped but thank God I did not (mentally pat myself on the back). I also realized I might not be bad at being a host of a program or event.

Hmmm, I do not know what to say again except for this year was the most exciting I have ever had in my entire life.

Letter to self: To all the shots you shot and tryout you did but ended in tears, better luck next time dear. Speaking into 2021, do not give up! Shoot more shots (academics and career wise of course). Go out more. Make new Friends. Learn that language (technically and non-technically). Keep on growing spiritually too. Do not give up hoping for that new phone. Do not stop trying.

PS: In dire need of a legit friend, apply within.