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How to Activate a Venmo Card?

Larry Jarry's photo
Larry Jarry
·Jun 22, 2022·

4 min read


How to activate Venmo Debit card: Get the Latest Method 2022

If you ask any Venmo user what the best thing about Venmo is, there's a good chance he will answer Venmo Debit Mastercard. Why? Because of its widespread acceptance and effectiveness, it allows users to spend money professionally. This card can be used to fund various needs. It can be used to purchase groceries, food, and even shopping. You can make one payment anywhere Mastercard is accepted. To enjoy these many benefits, however, you will need to complete an activation process. You will need to activate your Venmo Debit Card. This is the topic of today's discussion: How To Activate A Venmo Debit Card In Simple Steps.

You will also learn how to add money to your Venmo Card and what to do in case you lose it. You can also contact Venmo Customer Service to get assistance directly. You can also continue reading this post.

How do I activate a Venmo Debit Card via phone?

Activating your Venmo card is easy. After receiving your new card, activate it online using your smartphone. These are the steps:

  • Open the Venmo payment app on your phone.
  • Click the menu tab (three horizontal lines) located in the far upper-left corner.
  • Look down to locate the Venmo option, and tap it.
  • You will see an "Activate” button right here. Touch it.
  • You will now need to enter the expiry date for your card.
  • Step by step, enter your card and CVV number into the provided field.
  • Next, create your Venmo PIN. Next, enter your four-digit PIN and confirm it with a re-typing.
  • You will now receive a notification stating that your Venmo card has been activated.
  • If you wish to add money to your Venmo account, press the next button.

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How do I add money to my Venmo Card?

After activating your card, you will need to add money to it to get the maximum benefit. These are the steps:

  • Start Venmo from your smartphone
  • Click the menu button to select the "Manage balance” option.
  • Select the "Add Money” option and enter your amount.
  • Once again, select your bank and click the "Add Money” button.

Also Read : How to Add Money to Venmo

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How do I order a Venmo card for the first time?

Venmo customers new to the service will appreciate knowing that it is completely free to order and receive a brand-new Venmo card. You must activate your card using the steps above to make it usable. Below are the steps for ordering a Venmo card.

  • Open the Venmo payment app on your phone.
  • Click the menu tab, then choose Venmo Card from the drop-down menu.
  • Now, press the "Get Venmo Card" button.
  • The first option is to choose a color. To find the right color, you can swap left & right.
  • Next, select the desired color and press the "Next” button.
  • You will now need to enter your first and last names, then press the next button.
  • Here is a screen that will ask you to enter your date of birth and SSN.
  • Next, enter your full address and click the "Next" button.
  • To complete the process, click the "Submit” button.
  • You can now expect delivery of your card in the next 8 days (Maximum).

Is your Venmo Card lost or stolen? What should you do?

If you lose your Venmo Card or someone steals your card, the first thing to do is to disable it. The Venmo appallows you to block your card immediately. In settings, you will see an option to disable your Venmo Card. You can also report the theft to 24 Hours Venmo Customer Support.

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