Recently, I've recently been trying my best to upload as much code to open source repositories like Github and Codepen. It makes bootstrapping new projects much simpler when I can git clone
a boilerplate from my Github, or copypasta a CSS/JS snippet from CodePen. But what happens when I need to include a library or module into several projects? Cloning and copy paste just don't cut it at that point.
Cut to NPM and Composer ( or really Packagist. NPM is a package manager for Javascript using Node, and Composer does the same for PHP.
Today we'll be looking into submitting a PHP "package" to Composer through the Packagist, so we can use composer require
to install our package into any project!
The simple steps
It's as easy as 4 steps (minus the part where you code a reusable package in PHP) -- I was surprised too. Make sure before starting you've created a git repository in your project and committed your code. It's also required to have an account on Github and Packagist.
- Create a
in your project:
"name": "your-brand-name/your-project",
"type": "library",
"description": "Your package description goes here",
"keywords": ["relevant","tags","go","here"],
"homepage": "",
"license": "MIT",
"authors": [
"name": "Jordi Boggiano",
"email": "",
"homepage": "",
"role": "Developer"
Create a new repository on your Github and push your local git (init if you haven't) to the remote Github repo.
Done! Your package should be online and Packagist should provide a sample Composer require with your project name (e.g.
composer require username/package-name
You should be able to view your package live at:…
So easy, there's no excuse
One of the biggest principles of programming I try to apply is DRY, don't repeat yourself. When your code is probably already hosted on Github, it's only a two step process to get your code in a place where it's version controlled.
Rather than relying on git clone
or submodules, it's much more efficient for your codebase to use a composer dependency.
Take my code for a test run
The package I released on the Packagist is for developers working with the Metrc API to send and receive cannabis regulatory data. It's basically a wrapper for their API that uses a Guzzle client to interface with it (using your authoriation credentials).
If you're a Metrc developer, or just interested in using the code, you can add it to your projects using:
composer require kushy/metrc-php-sdk
Hope that helps, Ryo