How to Create an Ethereum smart contract using Solidity(Step by step guide)
Creating an Ethereum smart contract using the Solidity programming language complete guide.
What is a Smart Contract?
A smart contract is a digital contract that is stored on the blockchain. Smart contracts are written in code and they self-execute when certain conditions are met. For example, a smart contract could be used to automatically send funds to a recipient when certain conditions are met, such as receiving a certain amount of money.
What is Solidity?
Solidity is a programming language for writing smart contracts. It is a contract-oriented, high-level language for implementing smart contracts. Solidity is statically typed, supports inheritance, libraries, and complex user-defined types among other features.
In this guide, we will show you how to create a simple Ethereum smart contract using Solidity. We will be using the Remix IDE, which is a web-based IDE
How to Create an Ethereum Smart Contract Using Solidity?
Creating an Ethereum smart contract is relatively simple and can be done using the Solidity programming language. In this article, we will give you a step-by-step guide on how to create a smart contract using Solidity.
Before we begin, you will need to have the following:
A text editor like Sublime Text or Atom
The Solidity compiler
A Web3 browser like MetaMask
1) To create a new smart contract, you'll first need to create a new file with the .sol extension. Create a new file in your text editor and name it "HelloWorld.sol".
2) Now we will need to write our smart contract code in this file. We will start by defining the contract:
contract HelloWorld { }
3) Next, we will define a function that will be executed when the contract is called:
contract HelloWorld {
function hello() public {
// Function code goes here
4) In this function, we will add some code that will print "Hello, world!" when the contract is called:
contract HelloWorld {
function hello() public {
// Function code goes here
print("Hello, world!");
Step 5 : After you've written your smart contract code, you'll need to compile it. This will turn your code into bytecode, which can be run on the Ethereum blockchain.
There are a few different ways to compile Solidity code. One popular way is to use the online compiler at
Another way is to install the Solidity compiler locally on your computer. This guide will show you how to do that.
First, you'll need to install the Solidity compiler. You can do this using Homebrew, which is a package manager for macOS.
To install the Solidity compiler using Homebrew, open a new terminal window and run the following command:
brew tap ethereum/ethereum
brew install solidity
Once the Solidity compiler is installed, you can compile your smart contract code by running the following command:
solc --abi --bin mycontract.sol
This will compile your code and output the ABI and bytecode to the terminal.
You can also output the ABI and bytecode to a JSON file by adding the --overwrite option:
solc --abi --bin --overwrite mycontract.sol
Step 4: Deploy your smart contract to the Ethereum blockchain
Once your smart contract is compiled, you'll need to deploy it to the Ethereum blockchain. This will make it available for others to use.
There are a few different ways to deploy a smart contract. One popular way is to use the online compiler at
Another way is to install the Solidity compiler locally on your computer. This guide will show you how to do that.
First, you'll need to install the Solidity compiler. You can do this using Homebrew, which is a package manager for macOS.
To install the Solidity compiler using Homebrew, open a new terminal window and run the following command:
brew tap ethereum/ethereum
brew install solidity
Once the Solidity compiler is installed, you can deploy your smart contract by running the following command:
solc --deploy mycontract.sol
After completing the smart contract development process, deploy your smart contract to the Ethereum blockchain. Once it's deployed, anyone can interact with it. They can call its functions and send it Ethereum tokens.
You can also output the ABI and bytecode to a JSON file by adding the --overwrite option:
solc --deploy --overwrite mycontract.sol
Once your smart contract is deployed, anyone can interact with it. They can call its functions and send it Ethereum tokens.
Congratulations, you've now written and deployed your first smart contract!