I want to get the local / current time of a particular timezone, like I have a dropdown of all the GMT timezones(GMT), so on choosing a particular GMT I need to display its local / current time.

Atul Sharma's photo

Full Stack Developer | Cloud Native Applications

function calcTime(city, offset) {

    d = new Date();

    utc = d.getTime() + (d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000);

    nd = new Date(utc + (3600000*offset));

    return "The local time in " + city + " is " + nd.toLocaleString();


// get Bombay time
console.log(calcTime('Bombay', '+5.5'));

// get Singapore time
console.log(calcTime('Singapore', '+8'));

// get London time
console.log(calcTime('London', '+1'));

Just change the offset to that city and it will calculate current time for that timezone.

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ajay ramgounda's photo

ok, Thank you :)

Shehroz Saleem's photo

this does not work on firefox

Peter Scheler's photo

You can use date.toLocaleTimeString(locale, options) .

There is a timeZone property in the options object. If you use it, the locale string only defines the format of the output.

See here.

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Tyler Dover's photo

I'm still pretty new so, this may sound stupid but....

I was thinking you set a middle point in GMT as a var inside a function. GMT would be the time at GMT +0 and do a Switch statement. (Not using actual formatting or punctuation) Case time zone a; Answer = GMT -1 ; Break; Case time zone b; Answer = GMT +1; Break

Peter Scheler's photo

ajay ramgounda You could use a map to replace the GMT Offset with a zone, but zones respect summer time and GMT Offsets not. So it is a bad solution:

const date = new Date()

const map = new Map([
  [-11, 'Pacific/Niue'],
  [-10, 'Pacific/Tahiti'],
  [-9, 'Pacific/Gambier'],
  [-8, 'Pacific/Pitcairn'],
  [-7, 'America/Vancouver'],
  [-6, 'America/Denver'],
  [-5, 'America/Rio_Branco'],
  [-4, 'America/Manaus'],
  [-3, 'America/Cayenne'],
  [-2, 'Atlantic/South_Georgia'],
  [-1, 'Atlantic/Azores'],
  [0, 'GMT'],
  [1, 'Europe/Brussels'],
  [2, 'Europe/Helsinki'],
  [3, 'Asia/Riyadh'],
  [4, 'Asia/Dubai'],
  [5, 'Asia/Tashkent'],
  [6, 'Asia/Urumqi'],
  [7, 'Asia/Bangkok'],
  [8, 'Asia/Singapore'],
  [9, 'Asia/Chita'],
  [10, 'Pacific/Chuuk'],
  [11, 'Pacific/Pohnpei'],
  [12, 'Pacific/Wake'],

date.toLocaleTimeString('en-US', {timeZone: map.get(-6)})

A better solution is a self made converter:

function dateToGMT(date = new Date(), offset = 0) {
 let hours = date.getUTCHours() + offset
 if (hours > 23) hours = 24 - hours
 if (hours < 0) hours = 24 + hours
 return `${hours}:${date.getUTCMinutes()}:${date.getUTCSeconds()}`

Or you use something like moment.

Mike Classic's photo

PHP, Android, JS

This doesn't directly answer your question because it's actually a library, but check out Moment JS Timezone.