I joined the HNGi8 program
HNGi8 workspace was created for developers who are willing to become an outstanding developer/designers.
HNGi8 program will make you learn how to work under pressure,how to work with team trust me you will gain alot while in this internship
HNG internship has a collaboration with the zuri team training.zuri.team Hoping to bring out best and outstanding developers. As a frontend developer am trying to push myself across all obstacles and adapt to a fast learning environment
I registered for frontend track hoping to bring out what I have learnt in the past to real life problem solving techniques.
Here are some resources / material for frontend developer for newbies and junior developers.
Html/css youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4cUxeGkcC9ivBf… for beginners by netninja Javascript youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4cUxeGkcC9haFP… for beginners by netninja Git youtu.be/8JJ101D3knE for beginners Figma youtu.be/Gu1so3pz4bA for beginners
You can connect with HNg on twitter