Hey hey. I'm Chris on Code and I have a passion for coding and turning that code into businesses. I started scotch.io (4M pageviews/month, $300,000 revenue/year) which was acquired by DigitalOcean.
I'm a Sr Developer Advocate at DigitalOcean and we have Hacktoberfest coming up in October!
Let's chat about anything coding, building/monetizing a business, most anything really!
Send over your questions in advance 👇 and I'll answer them Tuesday, September 8th, 10AM PT / 5PM GMT.
I've got some links where you can find and chat with me also:
Twitter: twitter.com/chrisoncode
Twitch: twitch.tv/chrisoncode
YouTube: youtube.com/c/chrisoncode
Discord: discord.gg/WVyUrcS