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Ignore Bullshit 😪

Ignore Bullshit 😪

Priya Saini's photo
Priya Saini
·Jan 6, 2022·

2 min read

Why do people judge? Why just don't mind their own business? Why do they demotivate us? 😒 why-why-why.gif

Do you also face the same? Oh, why the hell am I asking? Of course, you do! We all have those people around us, and if you don't have them - oh my God, you are fucking blessed. 😭 friends-hug.gif

No matter what you do, these people are going to chit-chat anyway. 🤷🏻‍♀️ If you focus on your growth/goals, they'll call you selfish: if you do nothing, then you are useless. Either way, you're damned if you do, damned if you don't, so why bother! Why hurt your heart 💔 listening to their bullshit.

You clear yourself to one, but then the other(s) will speak, so why not you? You also have a voice. Just ignore their crap! You know what you are, so why prove anything to anyone? Time will show them. Chill babes!! bear-chill.gif

You are hurting yourself because of some useless comments.

"Oh, look at her - she's an entire makeup store!"

"She is so slim! She is so fat!"

"She can't make male friends."

"If she wears short dresses, she is characterless!"

If she is healthy, she does not have a perfect body. Blah blah blah!!

If someone is of dark complexion, you consider them ugly! No, man, your thinking is ugly!

These people cannot manage their own lives. By demotivating you, they obtain joy. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so why you are getting your value down.


Focus on yourselves.

Learn Grow & Glow.

Believe in yourself.

If you have decided your aim then focus only on that not on their talks because you will get success only by your hard work, not by their talks. 😌😌 Let Them Talk. Make your Future buddy.

A bit of advice: No one is flawless in here ... Instead of highlighting their flaws support them. And if you can't support then please don't judge.

PLEASE DON'T JUDGE PEOPLE. You don't know what it took someone to get out of bed, look and feel as presentable as possible and face the day. You never truly know the daily struggles of others.

Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective: precious. If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies, you will not find another. -Carl Sagan

Thank you for reading. ❤️
