Image upload using lumen
To start, Laravel file systems don't work on lumen so just give up on using
php artisan storage:link
to link your storage. With that out of the way, let's learn how to store and read images in three easy steps.
STEP ONE: Install league/flysystems
composer require league/flysystem
in your terminal to get the package.
STEP TWO: Integrate and use
in your lumen controller, for example userController.php use the following code in your create function
if ($request->hasFile('photo')) {
$fileExtension = $request->file('photo')->getClientOriginalName();
$file = pathinfo($fileExtension, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
$extension = $request->file('photo')->getClientOriginalExtension();
$fileStore = $file . '_' . time() . '.' . $extension;
$path = $request->file('photo')->storeAs('photos', $fileStore);
The storeAs() leads to the folder you'll be pushing the image to, for example
. Then you use the $fileStore variable to store in the database.
STEP THREE: Fetching the image
To fetch the image use;
$photo = $user['photo'];
$path = "your_url/storage/app/photos" . $photo;
you can edit it to call on the current path and column and then return your response, that is all.
NOTE: This works when hosted on a server, local server requires using a storage_path and can only be viewed if you redirect to a resource/view page and call the $path in an img tag. ✌️