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integrating Lipa Na Mpesa (safaricom Daraja Api) In Php.

Daraja API Payment Integration(C2B)Customer to Business (C2B) transactions via MPesa

Stephen Muindi's photo
Stephen Muindi
·Jul 1, 2022·

4 min read

integrating Lipa Na Mpesa (safaricom Daraja Api) In Php.


Lipa Na Mpesa Online API is an API that initiates STK push payments on behalf of the customers for clients to businesses aka C2B. Once the payment is initiated Mpesa processes the request while the customer is prompted to input or enter their Personal Identification Number (PIN).

It is said that the customer should authorize at least one payment in the occurrence of 5 STK push requests to avoid blocking their lines. This API generates a token that ensures usage of the API for a period of one hour when it expires.


  1. Have a Working domain. For example, register your site with Heroku. For this case, I use heroku as a working domain for testing purposes.

  2. Download and install the Heroku command line(CLI). Visit to download,

  3. Create an account with Heroku -Create a new repository in git and push your code

  4. Visual studio: in terminal type:

    • heroku new
    • heroku create
    • git push heroku (your Github branch) eg. git push heroku master


Step 1. Go to the Safaricom developers portal, create an account and log in. That is, visit Go through the documentation in order to understand the APIs. Once you are done, in the Menu click on the Apps. Create an App.

Step 2. Take into account the consumer key and secret key given in the app. In your code create a file called stkpay.php and add paste the following php code


  # access token
  $consumerKey = 'skdjfasjdfljalsdjlgajs'; //Fill with your app Consumer Key
  $consumerSecret = 'sjdhffidjsbfDFWf'; // Fill with your app Secret

  # define the variales
  # provide the following details, this part is found on your test credentials on the developer account
  $Amount = 1;
  $BusinessShortCode = '174379'; //sandbox
  $Passkey = 'bfb279f9aa9bdbcf158e97dd71a467cd2e0c893059b10f78e6b72ada1ed2c919';

    This are your info, for
    $PartyA should be the ACTUAL clients phone number or your phone number, format 2547********
    $AccountRefference, it maybe invoice number, account number etc on production systems, but for test just put anything
    TransactionDesc can be anything, probably a better description of or the transaction
    $Amount this is the total invoiced amount, Any amount here will be 
    actually deducted from a clients side/your test phone number once the PIN has been entered to authorize the transaction. 
    for developer/test accounts, this money will be reversed automatically by midnight.

  $PartyA = $_GET['phone']; // This is your phone number, 
  $AccountReference = 'Kibabii';
  $TransactionDesc = 'test';

  # Get the timestamp, format YYYYmmddhms -> 20181004151020
  $Timestamp = date('YmdHis');    

  # Get the base64 encoded string -> $password. The passkey is the M-PESA Public Key
  $Password = base64_encode($BusinessShortCode.$Passkey.$Timestamp);

  # header for access token
  $headers = ['Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf8'];

    # M-PESA endpoint urls
  $access_token_url = '…;
  $initiate_url = '…;

  # callback url
  $CallBackURL = 'your_url_of_heroku_app/callback_url.php';  

  $curl = curl_init($access_token_url);
  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);
  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $consumerKey.':'.$consumerSecret);
  $result = curl_exec($curl);
  $status = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
  $result = json_decode($result);
  $access_token = $result->access_token;  

  # header for stk push
  $stkheader = ['Content-Type:application/json','Authorization:Bearer '.$access_token];

  # initiating the transaction
  $curl = curl_init();
  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $initiate_url);
  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $stkheader); //setting custom header

  $curl_post_data = array(
    //Fill in the request parameters with valid values
    'BusinessShortCode' => $BusinessShortCode,
    'Password' => $Password,
    'Timestamp' => $Timestamp,
    'TransactionType' => 'CustomerPayBillOnline',
    'Amount' => $Amount,
    'PartyA' => $PartyA,
    'PartyB' => $BusinessShortCode,
    'PhoneNumber' => $PartyA,
    'CallBackURL' => $CallBackURL,
    'AccountReference' => $AccountReference,
    'TransactionDesc' => $TransactionDesc

  $data_string = json_encode($curl_post_data);
  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string);
  $curl_response = curl_exec($curl);


In the CallBack paste the link of your heroku app followed by the callback_url.php

Step 3 Create another PHP file ,name it and paste the following code

//include "conn.php";


$logFile = "stkPush.json";
$log = fopen($logFile, "a");
fwrite($log, $callbackJSONData);



$amount = strval($amount);
if($resultCode == 0){
$insert = $conn->query("INSERT INTO `stkpush`(`merchantRequestID`, `checkoutRequestID`,`resultCode`, `resultDesc`, `amount`, `mpesaReceiptNumber`, `transactionDate`, `phoneNumber`)
VALUES ('$merchantRequestID', '$checkoutRequestID','$resultCode', '$resultDesc', '$amount','$mpesaReceiptNumber','$transactionDate','$phoneNumber')");

$sql = $conn->query("UPDATE invoice SET status = 'Paid' WHERE phone = '$phoneNumber' order by id desc limit 1");

$conn = null;

echo "
<script>alert('payment has been successfully!')</script>
<script>window.location = 'index.php'</script>

A processed payment is usually generated like a JSON file like :

{"Body":{"stkCallback":{"MerchantRequestID":"16306-4668795-1","CheckoutRequestID":"ws_CO_300420210610432822","ResultCode":1032,"ResultDesc":"Request cancelled by user"}}}{"Body":{"stkCallback":{"MerchantRequestID":"14342-5146745-1","CheckoutRequestID":"ws_CO_300420211403028335","ResultCode":1037,"ResultDesc":"DS timeout."}}}{"Body":{"stkCallback":{"MerchantRequestID":"8630-7112171-1","CheckoutRequestID":"ws_CO_300420211932483406","ResultCode":1032,"ResultDesc":"Request cancelled by user"}}}{"Body":{"stkCallback":{"MerchantRequestID":"14369-11468455-1","CheckoutRequestID":"ws_CO_040520211534472575","ResultCode":1031,"ResultDesc":"Request cancelled by user"}}}{"Body":{"stkCallback":{"MerchantRequestID":"22250-15592488-1","CheckoutRequestID":"ws_CO_070520211722413639","ResultCode":0,"ResultDesc":"The service request is processed successfully.","CallbackMetadata":{"Item":[{"Name":"Amount","Value":1.00},{"Name":"MpesaReceiptNumber","Value":"PE73OJNTHB"},{"Name":"Balance"},{"Name":"TransactionDate","Value":20210507172318},{"Name":"PhoneNumber","Value":254700711233}]}}}}{"Body":{"stkCallback":{"MerchantRequestID":"14371-18050755-1","CheckoutRequestID":"ws_CO_070520211755088373","ResultCode":0,"ResultDesc":"The service request is processed successfully.","CallbackMetadata":{"Item":[{"Name":"Amount","Value":1.00},{"Name":"MpesaReceiptNumber","Value":"PE72OLRHYE"},{"Name":"Balance"},{"Name":"TransactionDate","Value":20210507175536},{"Name":"PhoneNumber","Value":254700711233}]}}}}

A Sample Demo


For more info, refer to my Github for code.

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