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Introducing JellyFish - Theme your vscode will love

Introducing JellyFish - Theme your vscode will love

Pawel Borkar's photo
Pawel Borkar
·May 30, 2021·

1 min read

From the day one of using visual studio code I always had a thought of designing my own theme one day. I wanted to customize each bit of its visuals but never had that much time to do so. A week earlier I started working on it as my side project and here I am writing this blog about its initial release.

JellyFish Installation Page JellyPage


If you're a much into the design as like me you probably thought of designing your own custom vscode theme for yourself as well as for the other developers it feels great when someone likes and uses your work and on top of that offers suggestions, corrections, fixes and improvements that's the beauty of open source and I love it.


Using Multiple columns in vscode with the JellyFish Theme

Multiple Columns

Terminal Accent


Repository Link (GitHub) : JellyFish

Vote of Thanks

Thank you so much for reading this post and feel free to use the source code for your own projects and to publish your own theme. Create a PR suggesting any changes/improvements I would love to merge them.

If you like my work then connect with me on Linkedin and follow me Twitter