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Just Completed the first Task @bytenaija Internship..

Just Completed the first Task @bytenaija Internship..

Chinweike Michael Chinonso's photo
Chinweike Michael Chinonso
·Nov 30, 2019

First I would say for a beginner it's challenging when your expected to cover so many topics in web development before you could start building projects.

But I'm so glad to be part of this program I know for sure it's going to push me beyond my limits..

I just developed this UI design of a body weight tracker , the skills I used is just HTML and CSS and for the image I used an SVG image and I added the little knowledge of CSS animations I have learned

I'm so passionate about UI effect that's why I choose the frontend track . I want to say a very big thank to Mr Everistus for his time and the sacrifice

I'm ready for this journey

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