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Kent C Dodds Learning Method

Kent C Dodds Learning Method

vamsi krishna reddy bevara's photo
vamsi krishna reddy bevara
·Oct 25, 2021·

3 min read

I recently came across this video of Kent C. Dodds explaining his way of learning things.

As you might be aware, Kent C. Dodds is an excellent teacher/instructor. The way he breaks down complex concepts into small easily consumable bits is awesome.

If the man himself explained his secret to becoming what he is right now then why not spread his knowledge to everyone?

So, here is the summary of Kent C Dodds Learning Method.

The learning method is simply divided into 3 parts

1. Consume

2. Build

3. Teach

That's it!!


1.) Consume

  1. Reading - Consume curated content - well-designed courses, blogs posts, newsletters, podcasts. It introduces you to new ideas and perspectives.

2.) Learn from others - Water cooler chats, follow like minded people on Twitter and interact with people, meetups, conferences, read open source code so that you'll learn how others solved a particular problem.

2.) Build

  1. Build stuff or implement the things you learn in your daily job.

2.) Famous quotes about building things:

  • To learn and not to do is really not to learn. To know and not to do is really not to know. - Stephen R. Convey

  • While persistence offers no guarantees, it does give 'luck' a chance to operate. - Tom Shippey. - Example: Doing 100daysofCode got me my first software job.

  • I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Ex: I worked with reactjs for 2 years now. And I not only learnt how to build scalable react applications(I'm still learning) but I also learned 100 different ways on how to not write a react application.

  • Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door - Sometimes it is important to stop and take a break or to take help from someone. Take help of active discord and other communities.

3.) Teach

  1. Those who know, do. Those that understand teach. Example: I always performed well in tests when I explained the things I learned to my friends before the test. Try the Feynman technique to teach new things to others.
  1. You solidify your understanding when you teach.
  1. When you teach something and share it in public. You not only get a strong understanding of the concept but it also opens door to a lot of other opportunities.
  1. Ideas for teaching: Contribute or read open-source code, blogs, screencast, giving talks in meetups, conferences. answering questions in forums/communities.


  • Join learning clubs - A bunch of people have a common goal to learn something. Ex: KDC Learning Clubs.

  • Don't be afraid to try.

  • Small consistent steps result in large outcomes in the long run.(Book - Atomic Habits).

  • At the end of the day it is important you enjoy what you are doing. Don't fall into the pressure of learning things in a hurry. Take things slowly and effectively.

I hope you had as much fun as this kid while reading this article,

This is my first article, feedback and comment are appreciated.

Thank you for your time !!