nodemailer multiple recipients different context
I am trying to implement a method to send emails to multiple recipients but also I want to pass to the html template the user attribute which will have the name of the recipient.
My code in this stage is like this:
SellerMatched: function (fromUser, offer, cb) {
var maillist = [];
var users = [];
for (var i=0; i<fromUser.length; i++)
users[i] = fromUser[i].Name;
from: 'Website Support <>',
to: maillist,
subject: 'Seller Matched',
template: 'SellerMatch',
context: {
user: users,
username: offer.owner.username,
category: offer.category
}, cb);
and the html have those attributes: It's something like this:
Hi {{user}},
A offer is uploaded that matched your preference.
Offer detail:
Name : {{OfferName}}
By: {{username}}
Category: {{category}}
This is working properly, emails are sent to the recipients but in the attribute Hi {{user}}, I want to show only the name of recipient because now it shows the array of all recipients.