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Open Source History

Open Source History

InShort Reads

Lalit Kumar's photo
Lalit Kumar
·Aug 20, 2021·

1 min read

Hello! Do you contribute you open source? Or do you want to contribute to it? If yes then great, because you are contributing for the good of all. So have you ever thought how, when and why did open-source term came?

To your eagnerness to know and my plesaure to share about the history of 'Open-Source' this is a short blog for us.

Foresight Institute's co founder Christine Peterson termed the term 'Open Source Software' about twenty years ago. Some data suggest that the term was coined on 3rd Feb 1998. She was a forecaster and she knew terming 'free-software' would create confusion among beginners and developers. There was confusion on what being free, so she proposed the term open-source.

Fun Fact: There are 1,000,000 open source projects as of March-2021 and its increasing at a rapid rate.

I hope this short info blog got you some knowledge to share. Happy Reading