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RxR = RxJS + React ... the Redux way!

David Cizek's photo
David Cizek
·Jul 23, 2016

RxR - RxJS + React the Redux way

React is awesome. So is Redux. We know both of them.

Maybe you want to start with RxJS awesomeness. Fast. Build on top of what you know (and have - one of your Redux app).

Meet RxR. Rewriting your existing Redux app is easy and straightforward. And you will get RxJS magic. No new concepts (except RxJS). RxJS the Redux way.

Find more at: There are npm libraries of RxR and RxR-React. There is example app with RxR and side to side code comparison with Redux.

Would like to hear your opinions. It's just the beginning. It's the first version but I'm excited and ready to make it better. With you and/or according to your feedback.